Alexander Coppock
Alexander Coppock
Re implementation, I think adding an explicit if statement via `declare_decision` is nice. Re using diagnose design on things that aren't design objects.... I *think* that diagnose design can take...
Yes, thanks! You've prompted us to think about default procedures for the various types of dependent variables that crop up in experiments. We were thinking that (in cases where the...
What's NPC?
Here's another restatement of the problem that I think underlines the difficulty of simultaneously holding the total number of treatments allocated fixed while maintaining nominal probabilities of assignment. Imagine two...
OK with me if we just round to the 10th decimal place or something to get around this windows issue
Thanks so much for adding this.
Thanks very much for this. I can see a nice argument for returning the reduced form and first stage regressions as additional entries in the iv_robust object. Might be cool...
Thanks Neal, that's really helpful. Nice way to do both.
Thanks @strengejacke ! Correct me if I'm wrong, but the constraint here is that we don't return the data in the iv_robust object, right @lukesonnet ?
Thanks for the pointer to insight! might be just the thing.