Thanks. Yes.
I finally posted a version that we can play around with. This initial version is a bit rough, but it's good enough to get a discussion started. The main navigation,...
I posted an update showing a comment. I'm thinking an accordion to show the rest, similar to Google+.
This is now avilable at The link will redirect to
The following have been added: - new note form - mentions dropdown ,@ - emoji's dropdown, : - hash tag dropdown, # - expand on focus as well as click...
Added the new event form
Add an Article object type. This would be useful for adding links to other sites.
@dominicgoulet, do you have a preference for the database that is being targeted with socializer? I ask because the socializer_test app lists postgres as the production database. If postgres is...
That's what I thought, but wanted to make sure. Thanks.
@dominicgoulet, I was thinking about ElasticSearch/Tire or Solr/Sunspot. Do you have a preference?