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issue to auth with DSM 2FA open

Open jjlizz opened this issue 5 months ago • 4 comments

I'm using latest docker version of to upload cert to DSM yet facing login failure. I upload cert every month and it worked fine until this month. DMS version: DSM 7.2.1-69057 Update 4 And here is the log.

[Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] _is_idn_d='' [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] _idn_temp [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] Lets find script dir. [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] SCRIPT='/root/' [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] _script='/root/' [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] _script_home='/root/' [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] Using default home:/root/ [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] Using config home:/ [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] LE_WORKING_DIR='/root/' v3.0.8 [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] Running cmd: deploy [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] Using config home:/ [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] default_acme_server [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] ACME_DIRECTORY='' [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] _ACME_SERVER_HOST='' [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] _ACME_SERVER_PATH='v2/DV90' [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] The domain '' seems to have a ECC cert already, lets use ecc cert. [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] DOMAIN_PATH='/' [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] DOMAIN_CONF='/' [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] _deployApi='/root/' [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] _cdomain='' [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] SYNO_Username='cert' [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] SYNO_Password='[hidden](please add '--output-insecure' to see this value)' [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] SYNO_Create='1' [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] SYNO_Device_Name='CertRenewal' [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] SYNO_Device_ID='[hidden](please add '--output-insecure' to see this value)' [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] SYNO_Scheme='http' [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] SYNO_Hostname='' [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] SYNO_Port='5000' [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] SYNO_Certificate='NAS org SSL' [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] _base_url='' [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] Getting API version [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] GET [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] url='' [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] timeout= [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] _CURL='curl --silent --dump-header / -L --trace-ascii /tmp/tmp.u6sIAtr0Yp -g ' [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] ret='0' [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] Logging into [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] GET [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] url='' [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] timeout= [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] _CURL='curl --silent --dump-header / -L --trace-ascii /tmp/tmp.1k9jSykjJU -g ' [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] ret='0' [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] Session ID [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] SynoToken [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] Unable to authenticate to - check your username & password. [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] If two-factor authentication is enabled for the user: [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] - set SYNO_Device_Name then input correct OTP-code manually [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] - get & set SYNO_Device_ID via your browser cookies [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] Error deploy for [Tue Apr 2 13:00:05 UTC 2024] Deploy error.

And then I tried manually putting the api url in browser, it returned a success.

{ "data": { "SYNO.API.Auth": { "maxVersion": 7, "minVersion": 1, "path": "entry.cgi" } }, "success": true }

{ "data": { "account": "XXXX", "device_id": "XXXX", "ik_message": "", "is_portal_port": false, "sid": "XXXX", "synotoken": "XXXX" }, "success": true }

Now I'm totally lost.

jjlizz avatar Apr 02 '24 13:04 jjlizz

Please upgrade to the latest code and try again first. Maybe it's already fixed. --upgrade If it's still not working, please provide the log with --debug 2, otherwise, nobody can help you.

github-actions[bot] avatar Apr 02 '24 13:04 github-actions[bot]

same here

BBxx99 avatar Apr 21 '24 00:04 BBxx99

Same issue

Anonym-tsk avatar Apr 22 '24 12:04 Anonym-tsk

The broken Synology Hook works again in the last version. The query of OTP in the console also works again. Tested on DSM 7.1. Update 6.

nillebor avatar Apr 30 '24 14:04 nillebor