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A new plugin for Vue3 Composition API. It provides various attributes and customized content to meet most requirements of Composition.


vue typescript



Based on the vue3 composition api written by the wheel diagram plug-in, a variety of attributes adaptation, wheel diagram content 'can be completely customized', basically can meet most of the requirements of the wheel diagram.

Basic functions:

  • Whether to enable the automatic rotation graph and customize the rotation graph time
  • Pause the rotation after moving the mouse pointer in, and reset the rotation after moving the mouse pointer out
  • Click the left/right switch button to switch manually
  • Click the bottom wheel cast indicator to switch manually
  • Switch button and wheel cast indicator, can set the hover display
  • Left toggle left scroll, right toggle right scroll -...

online demo


pnpm install v3-carousel


npm install v3-carousel


yarn add v3-carousel



import { createApp } from "vue";
import App from "./App.vue";
import Carousel from "v3-carousel"; // import

const app = createApp(App)
app.use(Carousel).mount('#app') // use

Note: Wrap the image you want to display with a 'CarouselItem' (creating a 'CarouselItem' must be done with a 'v-for' loop for now because I need to use 'idx'), Once that's done, you need to wrap the carouselitems in a big Carousel and add the properties you need to the Carousel. Ok, here's an example. You can go to the web page and view the wheel image


<script setup lang="ts">
import { reactive } from 'vue';

const state = reactive({
  data: [
function beforeMoving(dir: { index: number, direction: string }) {
  // console.log("before", dir);
function afterMoving(dir: { index: number, direction: string }) {
  // console.log("after", dir);

  <div style="width: 400px; height: 300px">
    <CarouselItem v-for="(item, index) in state.data" :key="index" :idx="index">
      <img :src="item" />


Carousel Component(Props)

property name type default value meaning
containerWidth String 100% Set the width of the entire carousel container, of course you can also use vw, rem, em and other pixel units
containerHeight String 100% Set the height g of the entire carousel container, as above
duration Number 3000 How often is the rotation interval
initIndex Number 0 Initializes the display image index
autoplay Boolean true Whether to automatically start the rotation
direction Boolean true Need to toggle buttons (i.e. up and down buttons)
directionMode String always Toggle the display mode of the button, the options are always and hover
directionColor String white Toggle the color of the button
directionSize Number 25 Size of the toggle button in px
indicator Boolean true Whether or not a wheelcast indicator is required (currently selected at the bottom)
indicatorMode String always Toggle the display mode of the button, the options are always and hover
indicatorColor String #FFFFFF80 Indicator color when not checked
indicatorActiveColor String #FFFFFF Indicator color when selected

Carousel Events

event Name parmas meaning
@before-moving The hook function has an object argument that you can retrieve: the direction of the rotation (direction) and the index of the current rotation (index). The hook function that is executed before the view is moved. You can use this hook if you want to do some logic before the wheel cast diagram
@after-moving Same as above... The hook function that is executed after the view has been moved. You can use this hook if you want to do some logic after the wheel cast graph is finished

CarouselItem Component(Props)

property name type default value meaning
idx Number 0 The index corresponding to each subinstance is usually the second parameter in 'v-for'


If you have any problems, please feel free to discuss it. Click 'star' if you find it useful. o( ̄▽ ̄)o

Any suggestions are welcome to submit 'pr', thank you!


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