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Add deployment variant for Capistrano

Open eoinkelly opened this issue 2 years ago • 4 comments

Closes #331

eoinkelly avatar Aug 06 '22 23:08 eoinkelly

So far we have

  1. Generic Capistrano (suitable for deploying to a pet VM we don't manage)
  2. Ackama EC2 specific Capistrano (suitable for deploying to the way we like to manage EC2)

I want to explore these options separately because my instinct is that they will diverge quite a lot but if that's wrong, we can look at extracting common code later on.

eoinkelly avatar Aug 06 '22 23:08 eoinkelly

I'm pretty happy with the generic config now. The Ackama specific variant is currently the same except it adds capistrano-locally but I expect it to diverge as we add the AWS specific stuff

eoinkelly avatar Aug 07 '22 05:08 eoinkelly

I have extracted the Ackama specific config to a separate PR #350

eoinkelly avatar Aug 20 '22 20:08 eoinkelly

I expect it to diverge as we add the AWS specific stuff

hopefully it shouldn't now 😄 https://github.com/ackama/aws_ec2_environment#with-capistrano

G-Rath avatar Aug 20 '22 20:08 G-Rath