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Static analysis of a parallel Scheme

  • PCESK This is an implementation of an abstract CESK machine which supports concurrent constructs (spawn/join), based on Matthew Might's description of CESK machines (mainly from the papers [[http://matt.might.net/papers/vanhorn2010abstract.pdf][Abstracting Abstract Machines]] and [[http://matt.might.net/papers/might2011pceks.pdf][A Family of Abstract Interpretations for Static Analysis of Concurrent Higher-Order Programming]]).

This work is done in the context of my Master's Thesis, available [[http://awesom.eu/~acieroid/thesis.pdf][here]]. ** Dependencies and compilation The following OCaml packages are required:

  • ocamlgraph
  • oUnit
  • batteries

Those packages are installable using [[http://opam.ocamlpro.com/][OPAM]]: #+BEGIN_SRC shell opam install ocamlgraph oUnit batteries #+END_SRC

To compile this project, you'll also need ocamlbuild (generally provided with OCaml). It has been tested with OCaml 4.01, but should probably work with older versions too. To compile, simply launch =make=. To launch the test suite, execute =make test=. ** Usage #+BEGIN_SRC shell usage: ./main.byte [-v level] [-i input] [-g graph_output] [-k polyvariance] [-t1 tag] [-t2 tag] [-target target] [other flags (see below)] -v : verbose level (0 by default) -progress : print progress (number of states computed) -i : input file (stdin by default) -g : output file for the generated graph (nothing by default) -k : polyvariance (k-CFA) (k=0 by default) -gc-before : run garbage collection before stepping (disabled by default) -gc : run garbage collection after stepping (disabled by default) -no-store-strong-updates : turn off strong updates in the store -p : turn on parallelism with spawn and join (disabled by default) -cpor : turn on cartesian partial order reduction (disabled by default) -r : remove threads when they halt (disabled by default) -j : do strong updates when evaluating a join (disabled by default) -s : don't explore state if another state that subsumes them has been explored (disabled by default) -l : enable first-class locks (disabled by default) -ll : maximum length of abstracted lists (5 by default) -no-threads-strong-updates : turn off strong updates for the threads -quiet : don't print the results nor the parameters used, only the time and graph size (disabled by default) -t1 : tag corresponding to the first expression used for MHP analysis -t2 : tag corresponding to the second expression used for MHP analysis -target {run|ast|length|mhp|cmp|unretriedcas|deadlocks|deadlocks1|ldeadlocks|setconflicts|allconflicts|conflicts|race}: action to do with the input (run by default) -e {bfs|dfs}: graph traversal method used ('bfs' or 'dfs', bfs by default) -help Display this list of options --help Display this list of options #+END_SRC

Those parameters are explained in more details below, and examples are given after.

*** General Parameters

  • =-v=: when the verbose mode is activated (> 0), the execution will also print a trace of the states computed (before the results), with eval states being printed in red, and continuation states being printed in green.
  • =-i=: indicates the input file from which to read the input. By default, standard input is read. For example input files, look at the =input/= directory.
  • =-g=: indicates where to write the state graph. Graphviz's dot format is used and images can be generated using =dot= (=dot -Tpng foo.dot > foo.png=).
  • =-quiet= disables the values outputted at the beginning of the execution.
  • =-p=: turns on parallelism (use PCESK instead of CESK), thus supporting =spawn= and =join=. *** CESK Precision Parameters
  • =-k=: tune polyvariance (see Abstracting Abstract Machines), the higher the k, the higher the precision. However, for higher-order programs, k > 1 is not really useful.
  • =-gc=: activates abstract garbage collection. It will result in a much higher precision on complex programs.
  • =-gc-before=: similar to =-gc=, but the garbage collection will be done /before/ the transition function, and not after. This is generally a bad idea, as running the GC after the transition reclaimes more unreachable addresses.
  • =-s=: activate reduction of the state space by subsumption. This experimentally gives really good results for the PCESK machine.
  • =-no-store-strong-updates=: disable strong updates in the store. It should result in a loss of precision. *** PCESK Precision Parameters First, parallelism should be turned on with =-p= before using those options. The use of first-class locks can be activated by using =-l=.
  • =-j=: when a =join= is done, a strong update will be done to increase precision.
  • =-r=: each times a thread halts, remove it from the thread map. It should result in a better precision.
  • =-no-threads-strong-updates=: disable strong updates in the thread map. It should result in a great loss of precision.
  • =-cpor=: uses [[http://users.soe.ucsc.edu/~cormac/papers/spin07.pdf][Cartesian Partial Order Reduction]] to reduce the state space *** Targets Multiple targets (ie. actions to run) exist. Each target makes use of the previously defined options.

The default target is =run=, which simply computes the state graph for the given program.

The =ast= target allows the user to display the parsed AST, annotated with tags (number corresponding to an AST node), in order to find the tags to use for the =mhp= target.

The =mhp= target does a may-happen-in-parallel (MHP) analysis, using the nodes described by the tags given by the =-t1= and =-t2= parameters. For doing so, it computes the state graph and traverses it in order to find a state where the two nodes can be evaluated. It then prints whether they can be evaluated in parallel or not.

The =conflicts= target detects read/write and write/write conflicts in a program, in a similar way as how MHP is done (but the user doesn't have to specify two expressions to check, the whole program is checked). This target filters out some conflicts that are considered as harmless.

The =allconflicts= target is similar to =conflicts= but doesn't filter out any conflict. It will detect more conflict, but with many false positives when =cas= is used.

The =setconflicts= target is also similar to =conflicts= but only checks for read/write and write/write conflicts involving a =set!= (it assumes =cas= is correctly used).

The =unretriedcas= target finds potential errors when =cas= is incorrectly used. The return value of =cas= should always be checked and the =cas= should be retried if it failed. This analysis looks for =cas= that are not retried when they failed. This is a source of race conditions.

The =race= target combines the targets =conflicts= and =unretriedcas= to detect race conditions.

The =deadlocks= target finds potential deadlocks in programs where locks are implemented through =cas=. It does so by looking for cycles on a =cas= that will not terminate (ie. the =cas= will always evaluate to =#f= and be retried).

The =ldeadlocks= target finds potential deadlocks in program that use first-class locks (enabled with the =-l= option)

*** Examples **** CESK Machine You can run a sequential CESK machine on programs that do not make use of the parallel operators. Some examples are given in the =input/seq/= directory.

With the =run= target, the program will be evaluated and the possible results will be printed. On each line the result will correspond to a possible final state of the execution.

The last line of the output contains the number of states in the graph, the number of edges and the time it took to compute this graph.

For example:

#+BEGIN_SRC shell $ ./main.byte -i input/seq/mut-rec.scm #f #t #f #t #f #t 145/145/0.189 #+END_SRC **** PCESK Machine The PCESK machine can be used to run simple programs that make use of the parallel operators. Parallelism is turned on by the =-p= parameter. By default, nothing is done to reduce the state space and the computation might take a long time. A sane default to improve this is to use the parameters =-j -s -r=. The garbage collector (=-gc= or =-gc-before=) tends to increase the size of the state space compared to just using a reduction by subsumption (=-s=).

For example:

#+BEGIN_SRC shell $ ./main.byte -i input/pcounter.scm -p -j -r -s Int Int 2578/6333/431.817 #+END_SRC **** MHP Analysis We can check whether two expressions may happen in parallel. First, the two expressions have to be identified by their tag, by analyzing the output of the =ast= target. Then, those two expressions identifiers (/tags/) are given as value for =t1= and =t2= and the target =mhp= is run.

For example:

#+BEGIN_SRC shell $ ./main.byte -i input/pcounter.scm -p -j -r -target ast (letrec ((counter@2 0@3) (f@4 (lambda () (letrec ((old@7 counter@8) (new@9 (+@11 old@12 1@13)@10)) (if (cas counter old@17 new@18)@15 #t@19 (f@21 )@20)@14)@6)@5) (t1@22 (spawn (f@25 )@24)@23) (t2@26 (spawn (f@29 )@28)@27)) (join t1@31)@30 (join t2@33)@32 counter@34)@1

$ ./main.byte -i input/pcounter.scm -p -j -r -target mhp -quiet -t1 15 -t2 15 The expressions (cas counter old@17 new@18)@15 and (cas counter old@17 new@18)@15 may happen in parallel #+END_SRC

(The two =cas= expressions may safely happen in parallel because of their atomicity) **** Detecting Race Conditions We can detect race conditions in a program with the following targets: =conflicts=, =setconflicts=, =unretriedcas=, and =race=. =conflicts= will look for every read/write and write/write conflicts, but some conflicts (those involving =cas=) might not lead to race conditions. We can thus make the assumption that =cas= is correctly used and look for =setconflicts= instead (ie. conflicts that does not involve =cas= usages). To verify the assumption that =cas= is correctly used, we can finally use the =unretriedcas= analysis.

The =race= target combines =conflicts= and =unretriedcas=.

For example:

#+BEGIN_SRC shell $ ./main.byte -p -r -j -i input/pcounter.scm -target setconflicts No conflicts detected

$ ./main.byte -p -r -j -i input/pcounter.scm -target unretriedcas No unretried cas detected

$ ./main.byte -p -r -j -i input/pcounter-race.scm -target setconflicts 2 conflicts detected between the following pairs of expressions: (set! counter (+@9 counter@10 1@11)@8)@6, (set! counter (+@9 counter@10 1@11)@8)@6 (set! counter (+@9 counter@10 1@11)@8)@6, counter@10

$ ./main.byte -p -r -j -i input/pcounter-race.scm -target race 2 conflicts detected between the following pairs of expressions: (set! counter (+@9 counter@10 1@11)@8)@6, (set! counter (+@9 counter@10 1@11)@8)@6 (set! counter (+@9 counter@10 1@11)@8)@6, counter@10 No unretried cas detected #+END_SRC **** Detecting Deadlocks Involving =cas= To detect deadlocks in a program where locks are implemented with =cas=, the target =deadlocks= looks for a cycle in the state graph starting at a state that evaluates a =cas= and that fails (resulting in =#f=). If such a cycle exists, there is a possibility of staying blocked in this cycle infinitely.

For example:

#+BEGIN_SRC shell $ ./main.byte -p -r -j -i input/deadlock-simple.scm -target deadlocks -gc 1 possible deadlocks detected, starting at the following expressions: (cas lock #f@9 #t@10)@7 [on tid 1] #+END_SRC

**** Detecting Deadlocks Involving First-Class Locks When the =-l= flag is given, first-class locks can be used in the input programs. The deadlock analysis for those lock (=ldeadlocks=) is more precise and takes less time than the deadlock analysis for deadlocks implemented with =cas= (=deadlocks=).

For example:

#+BEGIN_SRC shell $ ./main.byte -p -r -j -i input/locks/deadlock.scm -target ldeadlocks -l 1 possible deadlocks detected, at the following states: {1: {(join t1)} 2: {(acquire b)} 3: {(acquire a)}} #+END_SRC