puppet-catalog-diff copied to clipboard
Deduplicate diffs
When running the catalog diff, it is very common that lots of resources will share the same diff on various machines. This results in heavy JSON reports (I've had reports up to 30MB) with repeated diff content.
I suggest we could add deduplication to the JSON format, using a combination of size/hash as key (to be on the safish side). Something along the lines of:
"diff_content": {
"1234_abcd123def": [
" class { 'mountain':",
"+ ensure => nodragon",
" }"
"ererebor.middle-earth": {
"differences_as_diff": [
"class[moutain]": "1234_abcd123def"
I'm pretty sure this would greatly reduce the size of the JSON reports, while not greatly improving the complexity of displaying them.
Here's a little experiment on existing reports:
# Pass the JSON report as argument
require 'json'
require 'digest'
file = File.open(ARGV[0]).read
old_size = file.size
json = JSON.parse(file)
reserved = ['date', 'max_diff', 'most_changed', 'most_differences', 'total_nodes', 'total_percentage', 'with_changes', 'pull_output', 'fact_search']
machines = json.keys - reserved
json['diff_content'] = {}
machines.each do |m|
json[m]['differences_as_diff'].each do |k, v|
size = v.size
diff = (v.class == Array) ? v.join("\n") : v;
hash = Digest::MD5.new.update(diff).to_s
key = "#{size}_#{hash}"
json['diff_content'][key] = v
json[m]['differences_as_diff'][k] = key
file = json.to_json
new_size = file.size
percentage_gained = (old_size - new_size)*100/old_size
puts "Gained #{percentage_gained}%"
I've tried it against a few reports I have here. With the demo1.json
file I use for the catalog-dfif-viewer demo, I get 8% gain. On production reports, I've gained between 1% and up to 46% in size.
The gain can be improved by using an indexed array instead of pseudo-unique keys:
# Pass the JSON report as argument
require 'json'
require 'digest'
file = File.open(ARGV[0]).read
old_size = file.size
json = JSON.parse(file)
reserved = ['date', 'max_diff', 'most_changed', 'most_differences', 'total_nodes', 'total_percentage', 'with_changes', 'pull_output', 'fact_search']
machines = json.keys - reserved
json['diff_content'] = []
diff_content_index = []
machines.each do |m|
json[m]['differences_as_diff'].each do |k, v|
size = v.size
diff = (v.class == Array) ? v.join("\n") : v;
hash = Digest::MD5.new.update(diff).to_s
key = "#{size}_#{hash}"
unless diff_content_index.index(key)
json['diff_content'] << v
diff_content_index << key
json[m]['differences_as_diff'][k] = diff_content_index.index(key)
file = json.to_json
new_size = file.size
percentage_gained = (old_size - new_size)*100/old_size
puts "Gained #{percentage_gained}%"
With this method, the demo1.json
file gets a 12% gain, and my production tests give me up to 47% gain. The diff content can still be easily accessed by index:
irb(main):012:0> json['gandalf01']['differences_as_diff']['class[Puppet]']
=> 0
irb(main):013:0> json['diff_content'][0]
=> [" \t stringify_facts => false,", " \t }", " \t agent_noop => false", "+\t agent_restart_command => \"/usr/sbin/service puppet reload\"", " \t agent_template => \"puppet/agent/puppet.conf.erb\"", " \t allow_any_crl_auth => false", " \t auth_allowed => ["]