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Automatic Shield Stabilization Not Working
I fixed the error on like 178 and got the program itself working, the fix mentioned in the previous posted issue, but now im realizing that the only thing not working is the automatic regulation of the shield. How can I fix this?
The reactor status has changed. The program is looking for a state of "online" when in reality it's "running" make the appropriate changes to your if statements and it should work.
To clarify more the status of the reactor is as follows
Cold (was offline) Warming_up (was charging) Running (was online) Cooling_down Abandon_all_hope (reactor is going to explode)
And the charged state is now defunct.
I went in and changed the if statements, however, the program still will not function in automatic mode. Has anyone else gotten it to work and if so, what exactly did you do? I do not need this program as a crutch, but it makes it super useful in outputting large amounts of RF with a single click or two. Thank you
I just tested this out again today and it still works for me, pasted below is the exact reator.lua I'm using:
-- modifiable variables local reactorSide = "back" local fluxgateSide = "right"
local targetStrength = 50 local maxTemperature = 8000 local safeTemperature = 3000 local lowestFieldPercent = 15
local activateOnCharged = 1
-- please leave things untouched from here on os.loadAPI("lib/f")
local version = "0.25" -- toggleable via the monitor, use our algorithm to achieve our target field strength or let the user tweak it local autoInputGate = 1 local curInputGate = 222000
-- monitor local mon, monitor, monX, monY
-- peripherals local reactor local fluxgate local inputfluxgate
-- reactor information local ri
-- last performed action local action = "None since reboot" local emergencyCharge = false local emergencyTemp = false
monitor = f.periphSearch("monitor") inputfluxgate = f.periphSearch("flux_gate") fluxgate = peripheral.wrap(fluxgateSide) reactor = peripheral.wrap(reactorSide)
if monitor == null then error("No valid monitor was found") end
if fluxgate == null then error("No valid fluxgate was found") end
if reactor == null then error("No valid reactor was found") end
if inputfluxgate == null then error("No valid flux gate was found") end
monX, monY = monitor.getSize() mon = {} mon.monitor,mon.X, mon.Y = monitor, monX, monY
--write settings to config file
function save_config()
sw = fs.open("config.txt", "w")
--read settings from file function load_config() sr = fs.open("config.txt", "r") version = sr.readLine() autoInputGate = tonumber(sr.readLine()) curInputGate = tonumber(sr.readLine()) sr.close() end
-- 1st time? save our settings, if not, load our settings if fs.exists("config.txt") == false then save_config() else load_config() end
function buttons()
while true do -- button handler event, side, xPos, yPos = os.pullEvent("monitor_touch")
-- output gate controls
-- 2-4 = -1000, 6-9 = -10000, 10-12,8 = -100000
-- 17-19 = +1000, 21-23 = +10000, 25-27 = +100000
if yPos == 8 then
local cFlow = fluxgate.getSignalLowFlow()
if xPos >= 2 and xPos <= 4 then
cFlow = cFlow-1000
elseif xPos >= 6 and xPos <= 9 then
cFlow = cFlow-10000
elseif xPos >= 10 and xPos <= 12 then
cFlow = cFlow-100000
elseif xPos >= 17 and xPos <= 19 then
cFlow = cFlow+100000
elseif xPos >= 21 and xPos <= 23 then
cFlow = cFlow+10000
elseif xPos >= 25 and xPos <= 27 then
cFlow = cFlow+1000
-- input gate controls
-- 2-4 = -1000, 6-9 = -10000, 10-12,8 = -100000
-- 17-19 = +1000, 21-23 = +10000, 25-27 = +100000
if yPos == 10 and autoInputGate == 0 and xPos ~= 14 and xPos ~= 15 then
if xPos >= 2 and xPos <= 4 then
curInputGate = curInputGate-1000
elseif xPos >= 6 and xPos <= 9 then
curInputGate = curInputGate-10000
elseif xPos >= 10 and xPos <= 12 then
curInputGate = curInputGate-100000
elseif xPos >= 17 and xPos <= 19 then
curInputGate = curInputGate+100000
elseif xPos >= 21 and xPos <= 23 then
curInputGate = curInputGate+10000
elseif xPos >= 25 and xPos <= 27 then
curInputGate = curInputGate+1000
-- input gate toggle
if yPos == 10 and ( xPos == 14 or xPos == 15) then
if autoInputGate == 1 then
autoInputGate = 0
autoInputGate = 1
end end
function drawButtons(y)
-- 2-4 = -1000, 6-9 = -10000, 10-12,8 = -100000 -- 17-19 = +1000, 21-23 = +10000, 25-27 = +100000
f.draw_text(mon, 2, y, " < ", colors.white, colors.gray) f.draw_text(mon, 6, y, " <<", colors.white, colors.gray) f.draw_text(mon, 10, y, "<<<", colors.white, colors.gray)
f.draw_text(mon, 17, y, ">>>", colors.white, colors.gray) f.draw_text(mon, 21, y, ">> ", colors.white, colors.gray) f.draw_text(mon, 25, y, " > ", colors.white, colors.gray) end
function update() while true do
ri = reactor.getReactorInfo()
-- print out all the infos from .getReactorInfo() to term
if ri == nil then
error("reactor has an invalid setup")
for k, v in pairs (ri) do
print(k.. ": ".. tostring(v))
print("Output Gate: ", fluxgate.getSignalLowFlow())
print("Input Gate: ", inputfluxgate.getSignalLowFlow())
-- monitor output
local statusColor
statusColor = colors.red
if ri.status == "running" or ri.status == "charged" then
statusColor = colors.green
elseif ri.status == "cold" then
statusColor = colors.gray
elseif ri.status == "warming_up" then
statusColor = colors.orange
f.draw_text_lr(mon, 2, 2, 1, "Reactor Status", string.upper(ri.status), colors.white, statusColor, colors.black)
f.draw_text_lr(mon, 2, 4, 1, "Generation", f.format_int(ri.generationRate) .. " rf/t", colors.white, colors.lime, colors.black)
local tempColor = colors.red
if ri.temperature <= 5000 then tempColor = colors.green end
if ri.temperature >= 5000 and ri.temperature <= 6500 then tempColor = colors.orange end
f.draw_text_lr(mon, 2, 6, 1, "Temperature", f.format_int(ri.temperature) .. "C", colors.white, tempColor, colors.black)
f.draw_text_lr(mon, 2, 7, 1, "Output Gate", f.format_int(fluxgate.getSignalLowFlow()) .. " rf/t", colors.white, colors.blue, colors.black)
-- buttons
f.draw_text_lr(mon, 2, 9, 1, "Input Gate", f.format_int(inputfluxgate.getSignalLowFlow()) .. " rf/t", colors.white, colors.blue, colors.black)
if autoInputGate == 1 then
f.draw_text(mon, 14, 10, "AU", colors.white, colors.gray)
f.draw_text(mon, 14, 10, "MA", colors.white, colors.gray)
local satPercent
satPercent = math.ceil(ri.energySaturation / ri.maxEnergySaturation * 10000)*.01
f.draw_text_lr(mon, 2, 11, 1, "Energy Saturation", satPercent .. "%", colors.white, colors.white, colors.black)
f.progress_bar(mon, 2, 12, mon.X-2, satPercent, 100, colors.blue, colors.gray)
local fieldPercent, fieldColor
fieldPercent = math.ceil(ri.fieldStrength / ri.maxFieldStrength * 10000)*.01
fieldColor = colors.red
if fieldPercent >= 50 then fieldColor = colors.green end
if fieldPercent < 50 and fieldPercent > 30 then fieldColor = colors.orange end
if autoInputGate == 1 then
f.draw_text_lr(mon, 2, 14, 1, "Field Strength T:" .. targetStrength, fieldPercent .. "%", colors.white, fieldColor, colors.black)
f.draw_text_lr(mon, 2, 14, 1, "Field Strength", fieldPercent .. "%", colors.white, fieldColor, colors.black)
f.progress_bar(mon, 2, 15, mon.X-2, fieldPercent, 100, fieldColor, colors.gray)
local fuelPercent, fuelColor
fuelPercent = 100 - math.ceil(ri.fuelConversion / ri.maxFuelConversion * 10000)*.01
fuelColor = colors.red
if fuelPercent >= 70 then fuelColor = colors.green end
if fuelPercent < 70 and fuelPercent > 30 then fuelColor = colors.orange end
f.draw_text_lr(mon, 2, 17, 1, "Fuel ", fuelPercent .. "%", colors.white, fuelColor, colors.black)
f.progress_bar(mon, 2, 18, mon.X-2, fuelPercent, 100, fuelColor, colors.gray)
f.draw_text_lr(mon, 2, 19, 1, "Action ", action, colors.gray, colors.gray, colors.black)
-- actual reactor interaction
if emergencyCharge == true then
-- are we warming_up? open the floodgates
if ri.status == "warming_up" then
emergencyCharge = false
-- are we stopping from a shutdown and our temp is better? activate
if emergencyTemp == true and ri.status == "stopping" and ri.temperature < safeTemperature then
emergencyTemp = false
-- are we charged? lets activate
if ri.status == "warming_up" and ri.temperature >= 2000 and activateOnCharged == 1 then
-- are we on? regulate the input fludgate to our target field strength
-- or set it to our saved setting since we are on manual
if ri.status == "running" then
if autoInputGate == 1 then
fluxval = ri.fieldDrainRate / (1 - (targetStrength/100) )
print("Target Gate: ".. fluxval)
-- safeguards
-- out of fuel, kill it
if fuelPercent <= 10 then
action = "Fuel below 10%, refuel"
-- field strength is too dangerous, kill and it try and charge it before it blows
if fieldPercent <= lowestFieldPercent and ri.status == "running" then
action = "Field Str < " ..lowestFieldPercent.."%"
emergencyCharge = true
-- temperature too high, kill it and activate it when its cool
if ri.temperature > maxTemperature then
action = "Temp > " .. maxTemperature
emergencyTemp = true
end end
parallel.waitForAny(buttons, update)
Some other things to point out:
make sure your input flux is pointing towards the reactor energy injector, and that your input source is on the other side (the input of the arrow you can see on the side). if you don't have it setup this way, no program is going to be able to control power input because it won't have any.