dart_amqp icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
dart_amqp copied to clipboard

[ERROR:flutter/runtime/dart_vm_initializer.cc(40)] Unhandled Exception: FatalException: Lost connection to the server

Open adiltola-kod opened this issue 5 months ago • 6 comments

I have a RabbitMQ broker in localhost in the port 15672 and I am trying to connect using your library to be able to listen messages through AMQP. I could do it with c# but in flutter I am not be able to connect.

`ConnectionSettings settings = ConnectionSettings( virtualHost: "mwmyjkim", host: "localhost", port: 15672, authProvider: const PlainAuthenticator( "username", "password"),

Client client = Client(settings: settings);
await client.connect();

Channel channel = await client.channel();
// auto-connect to localhost:5672 using guest credentials
Queue queue = await channel.queue(params.toString());
Consumer consumer = await queue.consume();
consumer.listen((AmqpMessage message) {
  // Get the payload as a string
  print(" [x] Received string: ${message.payloadAsString}");

  // Or unserialize to json
  print(" [x] Received json: ${message.payloadAsJson}");

  // Or just get the raw data as a Uint8List
  print(" [x] Received raw: ${message.payload}");

  // The message object contains helper methods for
  // replying, ack-ing and rejecting


Could not connect to after 1 attempts. Giving up" and if I put my ip address, it throws "FatalException: Lost connection to the server".

adiltola-kod avatar Sep 12 '24 19:09 adiltola-kod