Dear @forxltk Tnx so much. Eventually, tf.where(condition, 10*tf.ones_like(xx) worked for my case. Please help me to define the below also: if 0.1
OK. I will try to do that. Once again, thank you so much @forxltk and @lululxvi
@forxltk Would you please let me know whether the below is correct: xx = x[:, 0:1] yy = x[:, 1:2] x_left = tf.greater(xx, 0.1) x_right = tf.less(xx, 0.3) y_left =...
@forxltk would you plz help me? I tried in different ways, but not successful.
@lululxvi @forxltk I tried different activation functions, epochs, number of neurons, and ...but the result does not change. I mean the pattern of results is the same with the case...
Dear @praksharma You are generally right. I am supposed to solve this problem using PINNs for different cases,i.e., slightly/moderate/highly heterogeneous porous media. When a medium is homogeneous (i.e., there is...
> Hello Dr. Lu Lu, Thanks again for your help! When dividing the domain into two subdomains, I got good results so far, as you can see in the next...