nmg-vulkan icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
nmg-vulkan copied to clipboard

Rusty mech engine

Results 4 nmg-vulkan issues
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``` DEBUG_REPORT: [ UNASSIGNED-CoreValidation-Shader-InconsistentSpirv ] Object: VK_NULL_HANDLE (Type = 0) | SPIR-V module not valid: Structure id 27 decorated as Block must follow standard uniform buffer layout rules: member 1...

Currently builds debug and text shaders on refresh, which is not necessary. Will want to separate rebuilding resources from shader building and reuse shaders for the new built resources.

These validation errors (below) appear during a crash induced by running the text demo and replacing the default shaders with the font shaders (a mistake). Commit hash `d824928316827fbdac5f64ce3c45fd53c6692331` on `feature/text`....

Discovered by @hobogenized. When running on Windows, the simulation pauses when window context is lost. However, a keyboard interrupt (in the shell) causes the simulation to resume. After resetting to...
