Weibin Zeng
Weibin Zeng
Here Jokeren, here are somthing I found in web: 1. https://books.google.com/books?id=AfL0t-YzOrEC&pg=PA547&dq=gspan+directed&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjjpP3XkZ_UAhUIs1QKHfljAgsQ6AEIKDAA#v=onepage&q=gspan%20directed&f=false in Han's book 《Data Mining》,he give some idea about extend gspan to directed, not quite much。 2. http://www.mysmu.edu/staff/caneleung/pub/notes-gSpanDirected.pdf this...
> Hi, have finished with the changes and i am also done with building the project-maven and c++ part of the code. No issues there. Sadly, to test these changes...
> so i thought i might need to go rebuild the scala packages again and went to Hi, amygbAI, you need to run `mvn -X clean install` in the `maven-projects/spark`...
how about use `mvn clean install -DskipTests -P ${1:-'datasources-32'}` to compile the spark? or you can refer the [action](https://github.com/apache/incubator-graphar/blob/0136d165a0ead95a7b19dbe28e2c2e6116cbc6d3/.github/workflows/spark.yaml#L89-L113) to see how CI build and run the test
Hi, @amygbAI, I have added a [helper example](https://github.com/apache/incubator-graphar/pull/487) to generate testing ldbc sample data from original CSV to graphar, this may help you to generate testing data with `json`. Feel...
> @acezen Because it is a very huge change, should we discuss it first in a mailing list? Like voting. Because it is a really big change, pros and cons...
> Based on my experience with Apache Spark itself, protobuf-way may be a painful story: > > * you need to incorporate it into CI; > * the generated code...
> May we add `buf` as a building system? It is under Apache 2.0 and actually we need only binaries. https://github.com/bufbuild/buf Good idea, I will give a try.
> @acezen May we merge it into a separate branch? I want to try to add `buf` and some additional scripts, especially for python part. Sure, I can create a...
> @acezen May we merge it into a separate branch? I want to try to add `buf` and some additional scripts, especially for python part. Hi, Sem, I have created...