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A Ruby wrapper for Sina weibo API(OAuth2)
= Weibo2
A Ruby wrapper for Sina weibo API(OAuth2).It is based on {OAuth2 gem}[], thanks for his hard-working.I have wrapped most of the APIs sina defined.Note that all of the privilege APIs haven't been tested yet, since I don't get the authorization to use it.
== Installation
gem install weibo2
== Usage Examples
Config your api_key, api_secret and redrect_uri somewhere like development.rb.
Weibo2::Config.api_key = "1234567890" Weibo2::Config.api_secret = "somethinglooksstrageandhardtoremember" Weibo2::Config.redirect_uri = ""
Ok, now you are ready to enjoy it. Sina Weibo has provided several ways to get your access token, and you can easily get it using Weibo2.
1.The Authorization Code strategy with response_type set to code
get authorize_url
client = client.auth_code.authorize_url
=> ""
get token using authorization_code
Weibo2::Client.from_code is a shortcut for client.auth_code.get_token("authorization_code_value")
client = Weibo2::Client.from_code("authorization_code_value")
2.The Authorization Code strategy with response_type set to token
get authorize_url with response_type set to token
client = client.auth_code.authorize_url(:response_type => "token")
=> ""
get token from callback hash like this /callback#access_token=6874dd3766b35536abcb76a9e3a57867&expires_in=86400
client = Weibo2::Client.from_hash(:access_token => "6874dd3766b35536abcb76a9e3a57867", :expires_in => 86400)
3.The Resource Owner Password Credentials strategy
get token with user's password
client = client.password.get_token('username', 'password')
4.Signed Request strategy
Follow this link to read more about this strategy.{站内应用开发指南}[]
get token using signed_request
client = Weibo2::Client.from_signed_request("signed_request-posted-by-weibo")
you can see what the signed_request exactly is by
=> {"user"=>{"country"=>"cn", "locale"=>""}, "algorithm"=>"HMAC-SHA256", "issued_at"=>1320298983, "expires"=>1320385383, "oauth_token"=>"0ca59d99f92436d65ae23115604a3185", "user_id"=>1234567890}
5.Refresh your token
Note that you could refresh your token only when you can get the refresh_token.
You can check if you are authorized by
=> true
If you are authorized, then you can do whatever you want now.
response = client.account.get_uid
=> #<OAuth2::Response:: ...>
=> {"uid"=>1234567890}
== API
You can find them in /lib/weibo2/interface/.Note that all methods follow the patten of
{resource}.{the_rest_path_joined_by_underline}(required_params, opts={})
So {/statuses/hot/comments_weekly}[] will turn to
And {/friendships/friends/in_common}[] will turn to
friendships.friends_in_common(uid, opts={})
== Copyright
Copyright (c) 2011 Acenqiu. See LICENSE for details.