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ACE Ammo Cook off occurring randomly with few bullets fired and low temperatures
Mods (complete and add to the following information):
Arma 3:
Latest stable
3.14 stable
Description: Weapons have been cooking off at low temperatures. On our server last night, we had around 10-15 people experiencing random weapon cook off about an hour into the operation. Cook off settings were set to default. Other users @TyroneMF, @pterolatypus, and @JoramD0 reported the same issue under the same circumstances
Steps to reproduce: Unable to reproduce both with modset from operation as well as only CBA + ACE.
Expected behavior: Weapons should not cook off until the weapon reaches the appropriate temperature
Where did the issue occur?
- Dedicated
Log: WARNING: Very messy, has all of our unit mods loaded
Screenshots: Nil
Thank you for the RPT, unfortunately I don't see anything useful in this one, but if it happens again try to get RPTs from all the players experincing the problem. Please also get them to check the weapon temperature and report how many bars are full.
You also have a bunch of Skipping mods and signatures due to overflow flag being set.
and Skipping signatures due to overflow flag being set.
warnings (errors?) and it's not showing what mods you have loaded at all.
I don't have my RPT for that day for some reason.
Same thing i posted on Slack so it doesn't get lost.
- HK417 (Apex)
- 10-15 rounds fired (not rapidly)
- Weapon temp bar was at 1.
- Default settings.
Mine was noticed with a CUP HK417 (DMR) with suppressor. I've also had several reports of weapons passively heating up to 2-3 bars without being fired, but don't have a repro yet. Will gather RPTs for you but I don't think there's anything useful in there.
Do any of you have GVAR(heatCoef) set higher than 1?
This should be my RPT from when it happened, had a quick look but didn't see anything weird.
(Don't have much more info, it was a bit hectic when it happened)
Do any of you have GVAR(heatCoef) set higher than 1?
Me and Joram don't.
All our settings were default, except "particles for everyone" which was enabled.
All of our settings were default as well.
My friends and I have run into this problem multiple times, including immediately after respawning and before having fired any shots with the rifles.
My friends and I have run into this problem multiple times, including immediately after respawning and before having fired any shots with the rifles.
Heat was not previously cleared on death or respawn, but that will be accounted for in the next update.
Closed by #8617 ?
Needs testing. A lot of stuff was touched by #8617.
Closed by #8617 ?
Not sure. I was never able to repro the issue, and so far no one else has given me repo steps.
Is anyone able to reproduce this with the ace 3.14.1?
I haven't even seen it happen since that one mission.
Just giving my feedback on the subject:
I've tryed setting on the ammo cook off in the last 2 weeks as a Game Master but i won't enable it again cause i don't think it's balanced properly.
With even low setting factor (0.5). Some shot happened after shooting a single magazine. The gun having only 3 dots on the heat scale. I was expecting only machine guns to experience cook off. Not semi-automatic weapons cooking-off bullets once per second, 5 minutes after shooting for real.
Just giving my feedback on the subject
This is a report about a specific issue, please don't make off topic comments. If you want to give feedback use the Ace3 Slack, if you have a bug report make a new issue.
So you're telling me it's the behavior cook off you expected when developping it ? The specific issue is "The factor is broken". Since someone said "I haven't even seen it happen since that one mission.", I'm saying I have
Pretty much everything you've said is expected behavior, I don't think you're experieriencing the issue reported here at all.
With even low setting factor (0.5).
I don't know which setting you've changed. If you changed cookoffCoef
to 0.5, then you've reduced the ammo temp required for a cookoff.
Some shot happened after shooting a single magazine. The gun having only 3 dots on the heat scale.
Nitrocellulose ignites at about 200 deg Celcius. 3 dots/bars on the scale is 300 deg Celcius, so a cookoff can definitely happen. I don't know what weapon or ammo you were using, but if it's a lightweight weapon with a large magazine or a very powerful/heavy bullet then you could potentially get the temp that high from one mag.
I was expecting only machine guns to experience cook off.
I don't know why you'd assume this. Machine guns are mostly open bolt which means there is no round in the chamber, these weapons cannot cook off unless there have a failure to fire type jam that leaves a round in the chamber to heat up.
Not semi-automatic weapons cooking-off bullets once per second, 5 minutes after shooting for real.
Heat takes time to move from the weapon to the ammo, the lower the weapon temp the longer it takes.
balanced properly
I added half a dozen new settings that you can adjust to make it fit well for you. Want weapons to heat up more slowly, decrease the heatCoef; want them to cool down faster, increase the coolingCoef; want cook offs to require more heat, increase cookoffCoef.
Too late to change the variable name, but might be a good idea to change the setting display name to something like Cookoff Temperature Coefficient. Current name is a bit confusing if you don't read the description. I'd expect increasing Cookoff Coefficient to increase the amount of cookoff I see, not the opposite.