flpunx icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
flpunx copied to clipboard

Better than all the other Flux libraries combined!


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Better than all the other Flux libraries combined!

"The way of the future, only it's now" - Michael Ridgway

What the Flux?

Super minimal and modular and fluxible. Look how clean the source is.

Get ready to Flux it up.


All examples are in ES6/7/2015/next, so if you have any trouble reading it, you can go flux yourself.

// Import modularly. So clean.
import { flux, flummox, fluxxor, alt, fluxible, reflux, marty, mcfly } from 'flpunx';

(async () => {
  // Just use it here! That's it! It couldn't be easier!


  • [ ] Add more flux puns to the README.md
  • [ ] Submit pull request to the Flux Comparison repo.
  • [ ] Spam @reactjs on Twitter until they retweet us.
  • [ ] Create channel in Reactiflux.
  • [ ] Add pronunciation guide.
  • [ ] Annihilate the entire repo once Relay is released.
  • [ ] Include a link to my personal Twitter account and ask people to follow me

If someone can think of a better pun on the word "flux," let me know and I'll create a new library that's even better than this one.


Copyright 20fluxteen.