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Keep your laravel logs small and tidy.

Keep your Laravel logs small and tidy

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Logs can get quite out of hand. This package helps save server space and keep your Laravel log files small.

  1. Trim your daily log to a given number of lines do it does not grow huge.
  2. Delete old daily logs, only keeping a given number of the latest log files.
  • Laravel 11 support as of 1.3.0.

  • Laravel 10 support as of 1.2.0.

  • Laravel 9 support as of 1.1.0.

  • Versions before that support Laravel 6, 7, 8.

  • Installation

  • Examples

  • Config settings


You can install the package via composer:

composer require accentinteractive/laravel-logcleaner

Optionally you can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Accentinteractive\LaravelLogcleaner\LaravelLogcleanerServiceProvider" --tag="config"


You can use logcleaner:run from the command line or set it as a cron job.

Command line usage;

// Get info about the command and options
php artisan logcleaner:run --help

// Trim big log files and delete old log files
php artisan logcleaner:run

// Pass the number of lines to keep when trimming log files. Overrides the config setting.
// This overrides the default set in config
php artisan logcleaner:run --keeplines=10000

// Pass the number of files to keep when deleting old log files. Overrides the config setting.
// This overrides the default set in config
php artisan logcleaner:run --keepfiles=7

// Run without actually cleaning any logs
php artisan logcleaner:run --dry-run

Cron job usage, add this to App\Console\Kernel:

protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)

Of course, you can also pass options when defining a cron job.

protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
    $schedule->command('logcleaner:run', ['--keeplines' => 5000, '--keepfiles' => 14])->daily()->at('01:00');

Subfolder handling

From version 1.4.0, files in subfolders are processed as well.

  • Trimming: all files in subfolder are trimmed.
  • Deleting: in each subfolder, all files except the N most recent ones are deleted. Where N equals config(logcleaner.log_files_to_keep).
  • Handling of subfolders is set to true by default, but can be overridden by env('LOGCLEANER_PROCESS_SUBFOLDERS')

ENV variables

You can set the following ENV variables in your .env file:

  • LOGCLEANER_LOG_PATH : The path to your logfile, relative from the root path of your application. If you do not supply LOGCLEANER_LOG_PATH, the default Laravel log path will be used. Example value: storage/custom_logs.
  • LOGCLEANER_TRIMMING_ENABLED : Whether to trim log files to a certain number of lines or not. Defaults to true if not set in .env.
  • LOGCLEANER_LOG_LINES_TO_KEEP : The number of lines to keep when trimming files. Defaults to 20000 if not set in .env.
  • LOGCLEANER_DELETING_ENABLED : Whether to delete older log files or not. Defaults to true if not set in .env.
  • LOGCLEANER_LOG_FILES_TO_KEEP : The number of files to keep when deleting older log files. Defaults to 30 if not set in .env.
  • LOGCLEANER_PROCESS_SUBFOLDERS : Whether or not to process files in subfolders from the log path. Defaults to true if not set in .env.

Config settings

You can pass config settings to modify the behaviour.

  • logcleaner.log_files_to_keep : the number of log files to keep when deleting old log files. This config setting is overridden by option --keepfiles
  • logcleaner.log_lines_to_keep : the number of lines to leave intact when trimming log files. This config setting is overridden by option --keeplines
  • logcleaner.exclude : an array of filenames to exclude from processing, using wildcards.
  • logcleaner.trimming_enabled : enables log file trimming. true by default.
  • logcleaner.deleting_enabled : enables old log file deletions. true by default.
  • logcleaner.process_subfolders : whether to include files in subfolders. true by default.

You can also pass options directly.

  • --keeplines=2000
  • --keepfiles=7
  • --dry-run


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.