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[IDEA] Identify users by email domain

Open huornlmj opened this issue 3 years ago • 3 comments

It would be useful if users could be visually grouped in some way, for example, use a specific avatar for all users sharing a specified email address domain.

huornlmj avatar Feb 09 '21 14:02 huornlmj

that's a good idea. I have to copy and rename images for same users with different full names

renmin avatar Jun 16 '21 08:06 renmin

@renmin, a .mailmap should work for that use case: https://git-scm.com/docs/gitmailmap.

umarcor avatar Dec 02 '21 04:12 umarcor

Just coming back to this. I'd have thought that the --user-image-dir dir could contain domain1.npg, domain2.jpg domain3.jpg etc, and with a command line argument specifying that the images should be mapped to users as per their email addresses.

huornlmj avatar Jul 21 '22 15:07 huornlmj