ABPadLockScreen icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ABPadLockScreen copied to clipboard

App got rejected because of passcode interface same as iOS default

Open sharmavikas10 opened this issue 8 years ago • 10 comments

8.3 Details Your app contains features that mimic the passcode iOS interface or behavior. We’ve attached screenshot(s) for your reference.

Apps that appear confusingly similar to an existing Apple product, interface, or advertising theme will be rejected

Please remove or revise these features to make them distinctly different from the iOS behaviors and interfaces to avoid causing user confusion.

sharmavikas10 avatar Oct 05 '15 17:10 sharmavikas10

i customized the view little bit - added app logo on top, change button from shape from round to square with corners + changed text from "Enter Passcode" to "Enter Application Passcode". Lets see if apple accept it.

sharmavikas10 avatar Oct 05 '15 19:10 sharmavikas10

There has been reported case of this happening where the app was also rejected, however their interface was quite similar to how the native lock screen looked. Can you post a picture of yours? I suspect that any with the transparent background will always be rejected as it can be a little confusing.

abury avatar Oct 06 '15 08:10 abury

@sharmavikas10 Hi! Would you mind telling us how did you end up with Apple validation?

syky27 avatar Dec 14 '15 10:12 syky27

@syky27 ... You just need to change the UI. The default UI is same as apple lock screen and apple doesn't like it. I added my app logo on top of view and reshaped button from circle to square with rounded corners and it worked for me. My app got accepted after this changes.

sharmavikas10 avatar Dec 14 '15 19:12 sharmavikas10

img_0344 img_0726

sharmavikas10 avatar Dec 14 '15 19:12 sharmavikas10

Awesome, thanks buddy

syky27 avatar Dec 14 '15 19:12 syky27

For our prerelease with TestFlight we received the same response today.

8.3 Details Your app contains features that mimic the native iOS PIN code screen. We’ve attached screenshot(s) for your reference. Next Steps Please remove or revise these features to make them distinctly different from the iOS behaviors and interfaces to avoid causing user confusion.

simulator screen shot dec 21 2015 9 11 27 am

mteece avatar Dec 21 '15 14:12 mteece

How do I change map UI if I am using pods. I am unable to get buttons's superview.

kedardesai avatar Aug 30 '17 07:08 kedardesai

When you mean "map UI" do you want to change the layout of the buttons or do you want to just change the appearance of the buttons?

mteece avatar Aug 30 '17 19:08 mteece

For others.

As source the - (void)setRoundedView:(UIView *)roundedView toDiameter:(CGFloat)newSize; in ABPadLockScreenView can be tuned via the cornerRadius.

As a Pod, there's no way to get the superview, perhaps we could look at exposing the cornerRadius as a property with a default in the ABPadLockScreenView.

mteece avatar Aug 30 '17 19:08 mteece