dactyl-manuform copied to clipboard
Question about commercial use of the license
Dear dactyl manuform author,
I hope this message finds you well. My name is Antoni Bezak and I am a 14-year-old technology enthusiast with a particular interest in keyboard design and assembly.
Recently, I successfully built a keyboard based on the Dactyl Manuform design, which I found to be an incredibly rewarding and educational experience. I am writing to you because I am considering taking this project a step further.
Given the positive feedback I've received from those who have seen and used my keyboard, I am contemplating the idea of building more Dactyl Manuform keyboards and selling them. However, I am aware that your design is open-source and I want to respect any conditions or restrictions associated with its use.
Therefore, I would like to formally ask for your permission to use the Dactyl Manuform design in this manner. Would it be acceptable for me to build and sell keyboards based on your design? If so, are there any specific requirements or conditions that I need to adhere to?
I look forward to hearing from you and would like to express my gratitude for your contribution to the open-source community. Your work has not only provided me with a fantastic keyboard but also a valuable learning experience.
Best regards, Antoni Bezak
just a random person passing through, but it looks like this project was last active 6 years ago so you prob won't get a responce. as you can see from the bottom of the README, this is actually a copy of the dactyl manuform by Tom Short, hosted here: https://github.com/tshort/dactyl-keyboard
@Will-Hendrix Thanks