İlker Sarıca
İlker Sarıca
> +1 open files ./node_modules/react-native-snap-carousel/src/carousel/Carousel.js ./node_modules/react-native-snap-carousel/src/Pagination/Pagination.js ./node_modules/react-native-snap-carousel/src/Pagination/PaginationDot.js ./node_modules/react-native-snap-carousel/src/ParallaxImage/ParallaxImage.js > > edit > > ``` > import { ... ,ViewPropTypes } from 'react-native'; > ``` > > to > > ```...
still no solution for this?
ben alabilirim, bi kaç refactor edilmesi gereken yerler de var. Onu da issue'ya belirtebilir miyiz? Mesela bu linkler maplenebilir
buraya bi bakabilir miyiz, sorun yoksa pr atıcam @canerakin111
@canerakin111 bana pek alakalı gibi gelmedi, diğer iş approve olsa bile baya uzun sürerdi. Bunun pr'ında ileride muhtemelen kullanacağımız bir yapı da var.
tested, I also experienced same thing, can start working after approval.
@sevilayerkan after looking around a little while I see that almost all of the points in Istanbul are pointing different cities (Hatay, Adıyaman etc.) and addresses are irrelevant . I'm...
I have the fix, we're just gonna expand the boundaries of the map, maybe we can just create another issue about the markers on Istanbul or other western cities. Because...
this is fixed by #985 and can be closed now
I'll start working on it