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Plug support for Absinthe, the GraphQL toolkit for Elixir

Results 15 absinthe_plug issues
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Addresses 2 schema module validation issues: Use `Code.ensure_compiled!/1` rather than `Code.ensure_compiled/1` to avoid masking compile issues and avoid potential race conditions. The existing pattern is specifically warned against in the...

We have a Phoenix application that expects the `[:phoenix, :endpoint, :stop]` event to be executed, but I noticed that this was not happening when uncaught exceptions originated from this plug....

We've run into an issue recently when we were getting `** (RuntimeError) function for default_url: {Elixir.MyModule, graphiql_default_url} is not exported with arity 1 or 0` error. Both the module and...

As per https://github.com/absinthe-graphql/absinthe/pull/1215, it'd be great to be able to support the modern GraphQL spec for errors while using this Plug (https://spec.graphql.org/October2021/#sec-Errors.Error-result-format).

The value of the GET parameter query is returned unescaped in the main block of inline JavaScript. Without Content Security Policy (CSP), one is able to break out of the...