apple-notes-jxa icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
apple-notes-jxa copied to clipboard

Simple module to read, edit, and manage Apple Notes throught JXA (offline)

Apple Note JXA

Simple module to read, edit, and manage Apple Notes throught JXA (offline)

Using this module in other modules

Here is a quick example of how this module can be used in other modules. The TypeScript Module Resolution Logic makes it quite easy. The file src/index.ts acts as an aggregator of all the functionality in this module. It imports from other files and re-exports to provide a unified interface for this module. The package.json file contains main attribute that points to the generated lib/index.js file and typings attribute that points to the generated lib/index.d.ts file.

  • To use in TypeScript file -
import * as Notes from "apple-notes-jxa";

  .then((accounts) => console.log(accounts));
  • To use in a JavaScript file -
const Notes = require('apple-notes-jxa');

  .then((accounts) => console.log(accounts));