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client.GetPost() Method Throwing Exception
I have the plugin called "Featured Image from URL" installed and set to use the 1'st image in the post when and post is published and I am getting the following exception when calling the GetPost() function below. When I disable the "Featured Image from URL" no exception is thrown.
Post thepost = client.GetPost(Convert.ToInt32(postID));
Here is the exception...
{"response contains invalid dateTime value [response : struct mapped to type Post : member FeaturedImage mapped to type Object : struct mapped to XmlRpcStruct : member date_created_gmt : dateTime]"}
What can I do to make sure the call to GetPost() function works withour throwing the exception and have the "Featured Image from URL" plugin active?
Also, I tried the following .CreateFromUrl() function shown below to create the Featured Image inside my function and want to know if the "url" needs to be an web url like "http://mydomain.com/wp-content/uploads/images/articles/vegan_recipes/img.jpg" or can it be from my local PC path like this... "D:\Webs\MyWebsite.com\images\vegan_recipes\207236020333882044.jpg"
I tried calling CreateFromUrl() using a local file path but doesn't set the Featured Image. Is there a workaround?
var featureImage = Data.CreateFromUrl(url);
Set Featured images Post.FeaturedImageId =wordPressClient.UploadFile(Data.CreateFromUrl("ImgLink")).Id;