kubel copied to clipboard
Fix tramp-error Method 'kubectl' is not known.
I encountered the same problem as #28, and solved it in this way.
Thank you for submitting this! Would you be able to explain the reasoning behind this? Also this is failing in CI
Entering directory '/kubel/'
kubel.el:1253:1: warning: `eval-after-load' is for use in configurations, and should rarely be used in packages
Thank you for submitting this! Would you be able to explain the reasoning behind this? Also this is failing in CI
Entering directory '/kubel/' kubel.el:1253:1: warning: `eval-after-load' is for use in configurations, and should rarely be used in packages
Thank you for your reply.
Would you be able to explain the reasoning behind this?
The reason may be that emacs will restore the recently opened buffer list when starts.
If user had used kubel-exec-shell-pod
before, there is a kubel related buffer in the recently opened list.
After the buffer is restored, there will be a kubel buffer in the buffer list, but tramp-methods
list does not contain the kubel method at this time.
Also this is failing in CI
Yes, as the ci description says, eval-after-load
is more recommended in user config than in package, but I haven't found a better alternative either.