rules_helm icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
rules_helm copied to clipboard

Bazel rules for producing Helm charts


Bazel rules for producing helm charts


load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")

# See releases for urls and checksums
    name = "rules_helm",
    sha256 = "{sha256}",
    urls = ["{version}/rules_helm-v{version}.tar.gz"],

load("@rules_helm//helm:repositories.bzl", "helm_register_toolchains", "rules_helm_dependencies")



load("@rules_helm//helm:repositories_transitive.bzl", "rules_helm_transitive_dependencies")



bazel_dep(name = "rules_helm", version = "{version}")


  • helm_chart
  • helm_import_repository
  • helm_import
  • helm_install
  • helm_lint_aspect
  • helm_lint_test
  • helm_package
  • helm_push
  • helm_push_registry
  • helm_register_toolchains
  • helm_toolchain
  • helm_uninstall
  • helm_upgrade
  • rules_helm_dependencies
  • chart_content

Run as a tool

bazel run @helm//:helm -- ...

Use in a genrule

    name = "genrule",
    srcs = [":chart"],
    outs = ["template.yaml"],
    cmd = "$(HELM_BIN) template my-chart $(execpath :chart) > $@",
    toolchains = ["@rules_helm//helm:current_toolchain"],


chart_file(name, api_version, app_version, chart_name, description, type, version)

Create a Helm chart file.


Name Description Type Mandatory Default
name A unique name for this target. Name required
api_version The Helm API version String optional "v2"
app_version The version number of the application being deployed. String optional "1.16.0"
chart_name The name of the chart String optional ""
description A descritpion of the chart. String optional "A Helm chart for Kubernetes by Bazel."
type The chart type. String optional "application"
version The chart version. String optional "0.1.0"


helm_import(name, chart, version)

A rule that allows pre-packaged Helm charts to be used within Bazel.


Name Description Type Mandatory Default
name A unique name for this target. Name required
chart A Helm chart's .tgz file. Label optional None
version The version fo the helm chart String optional ""


helm_install(name, data, helm_opts, install_name, opts, package)

Produce a script for performing a helm install action


Name Description Type Mandatory Default
name A unique name for this target. Name required
data Additional data to pass to helm install. List of labels optional []
helm_opts Additional arguments to pass to helm during install. List of strings optional []
install_name The name to use for the helm install command. The target name will be used if unset. String optional ""
opts Additional arguments to pass to helm install. List of strings optional []
package The helm package to install. Label required


helm_lint_test(name, chart)

A rule for performing helm lint on a helm package


Name Description Type Mandatory Default
name A unique name for this target. Name required
chart The helm package to run linting on. Label required


helm_package(name, deps, chart, chart_json, crds, images, stamp, substitutions, templates, values,

Rules for creating Helm chart packages.


Name Description Type Mandatory Default
name A unique name for this target. Name required
deps Other helm packages this package depends on. List of labels optional []
chart The Chart.yaml file of the helm chart Label optional None
chart_json The Chart.yaml file of the helm chart as a json object String optional ""
crds All crds associated with the current helm chart. E.g., the ./crds directory List of labels optional []
images A list of oci_push targets. List of labels optional []
stamp Whether to encode build information into the helm actions. Possible values:

- stamp = 1: Always stamp the build information into the helm actions, even in --nostamp builds. This setting should be avoided, since it potentially kills remote caching for the target and any downstream actions that depend on it.

- stamp = 0: Always replace build information by constant values. This gives good build result caching.

- stamp = -1: Embedding of build information is controlled by the --[no]stamp flag.

Stamped targets are not rebuilt unless their dependencies change.
Integer optional -1
substitutions A dictionary of substitutions to apply to the values.yaml file. Dictionary: String -> String optional {}
templates All templates associated with the current helm chart. E.g., the ./templates directory List of labels optional []
values The values.yaml file for the current package. Label optional None
values_json The values.yaml file for the current package as a json object. String optional ""


helm_push(name, package)

Produce a script for pushing all oci images used by a helm chart


Name Description Type Mandatory Default
name A unique name for this target. Name required
package The helm package to upload images from. Label required


helm_push_registry(name, package, registry_url)

Produce a script for performing a helm push to a registry


Name Description Type Mandatory Default
name A unique name for this target. Name required
package The helm package to push to the registry. Label required
registry_url The URL of the registry. String required


helm_toolchain(name, helm)

A helm toolchain


Name Description Type Mandatory Default
name A unique name for this target. Name required
helm A helm binary Label required


helm_uninstall(name, data, helm_opts, install_name, opts)

Produce a script for performing a helm uninstall action


Name Description Type Mandatory Default
name A unique name for this target. Name required
data Additional data to pass to helm uninstall. List of labels optional []
helm_opts Additional arguments to pass to helm during install. List of strings optional []
install_name The name to use for the helm install command. The target name will be used if unset. String optional ""
opts Additional arguments to pass to helm uninstall. List of strings optional []


helm_upgrade(name, data, helm_opts, install_name, opts, package)

Produce a script for performing a helm upgrade action


Name Description Type Mandatory Default
name A unique name for this target. Name required
data Additional data to pass to helm upgrade. List of labels optional []
helm_opts Additional arguments to pass to helm during upgrade. List of strings optional []
install_name The name to use for the helm upgrade command. The target name will be used if unset. String optional ""
opts Additional arguments to pass to helm upgrade. List of strings optional []
package The helm package to upgrade. Label required


HelmPackageInfo(chart, images, metadata)

A provider for helm packages


Name Description
chart File: The result of helm package
images list[Target]: A list of @rules_oci//oci:defs.bzl%oci_push]) targets
metadata File: A json encoded file containing metadata about the helm chart


chart_content(name, api_version, description, type, version, app_version)

A convenience wrapper for defining Chart.yaml files with helm_package.chart_json.


Name Description Default Value
name The name of the chart none
api_version The Helm API version "v2"
description A descritpion of the chart. "A Helm chart for Kubernetes by Bazel."
type The chart type. "application"
version The chart version. "0.1.0"
app_version The version number of the application being deployed. "1.16.0"


str: A json encoded string which represents Chart.yaml contents.


helm_chart(name, chart, chart_json, crds, values, values_json, substitutions, templates, images,
           deps, install_name, registry_url, helm_opts, install_opts, upgrade_opts, uninstall_opts,
           data, stamp, kwargs)

Rules for producing a helm package and some convenience targets.

target rule
{name} helm_package
{name}.push helm_push
{name}.push_registry helm_push_registry
{name}.install helm_install
{name}.uninstall helm_uninstall
{name}.upgrade helm_upgrade


Name Description Default Value
name The name of the helm_package target. none
chart The path to the chart directory. Defaults to Chart.yaml. None
chart_json The json encoded contents of Chart.yaml. None
crds A list of crd files to include in the package. None
values The path to the values file. Defaults to values.yaml. None
values_json The json encoded contents of values.yaml. None
substitutions A dictionary of substitutions to apply to values.yaml. {}
templates A list of template files to include in the package. None
images A list of oci_push targets []
deps A list of helm package dependencies. None
install_name The helm install name to use. name will be used if unset. None
registry_url The registry url for the helm chart. {name}.push_registry is only defined when a value is passed here. None
helm_opts Additional options to pass to helm. []
install_opts Additional options to pass to helm install. []
upgrade_opts Additional options to pass to helm upgrade. []
uninstall_opts Additional options to pass to helm uninstall. []
data Additional runtime data to pass to the helm templates. []
stamp Whether to encode build information into the helm chart. None
kwargs Additional keyword arguments for helm_package. none


helm_register_toolchains(version, helm_url_templates)

Register helm toolchains.


Name Description Default Value
version The version of Helm to use "3.15.0"
helm_url_templates A list of url templates where helm can be downloaded. ["{version}-{platform}.{compression}"]



Defines helm dependencies



An aspect for running helm lint on helm package targets



Name Description Type Mandatory Default
name A unique name for this target. Name required


helm_import_repository(name, chart_name, repo_mapping, repository, sha256, url, version)

A rule for fetching external Helm charts from an arbitrary repository.


Name Description Type Mandatory Default
name A unique name for this repository. Name required
chart_name Chart name to import. String optional ""
repo_mapping In WORKSPACE context only: a dictionary from local repository name to global repository name. This allows controls over workspace dependency resolution for dependencies of this repository.

For example, an entry "@foo": "@bar" declares that, for any time this repository depends on @foo (such as a dependency on @foo//some:target, it should actually resolve that dependency within globally-declared @bar (@bar//some:target).

This attribute is not supported in MODULE.bazel context (when invoking a repository rule inside a module extension's implementation function).
Dictionary: String -> String optional
repository Chart repository url where to locate the requested chart. String required
sha256 The expected SHA-256 hash of the chart imported. String optional ""
url The url where the chart can be directly downloaded. String optional ""
version Specify a version constraint for the chart version to use. String optional ""