gdeltr2 copied to clipboard
Invalid char in JSON text
Hey everyone,
well, first of all: Thanks a lot for this amazing package! I just stumbled upon it. I always wanted to access GDELT data, however, I was always intimidated by the sheer size of the project.
I was playing around a bit and tried the blog post that is linked here on github.
Some of the functions mentioned there are not up to date anymore, but I little trial and error got me to running this function:
ft_v2_api(terms = my_terms, domains = my_domains, images_web_tag = my_image_web,
images_tag = my_image_tags, images_ocr = my_ocr, gkg_themes = my_themes,
modes = c("Artlist"), timespans = my_timespan, trelliscope_parameters = my_trelliscope_parameters)
Getting this output:
Sleeping for 6 seconds
Joining, by = "modeSearch"
Removing the following cognostics that are all NA: domainSearch, imageocrSearch, imagewebtagSearch
writing display list [===================================================================>-------------] 83% 5/6 eta: 0sError: lexical error: invalid char in json text.
ço em Espanha em busca de " parceria estratégica " | NOTÃ
(right here) ------^
I get the idea that probably some escaping might be needed here. However, I don't know where to look for a solution, since documentation is still quite sparse (I don't complain, I'm happy that a package like this exists and that there is work being done on it!)
Any thoughts on my problem?