@wn2000 The 'skilion' client does not receive any support ([reference](https://github.com/skilion/onedrive/issues/518#issuecomment-717604726)) and contains issues / defects that put you at risk of data loss. Despite a new version release in Oct...
@wid SharePoint Links are not supported by the OneDrive API - refer to: https://github.com/OneDrive/onedrive-api-docs/issues/1427 Also the 'skilion' client does not receive any support ([reference](https://github.com/skilion/onedrive/issues/518#issuecomment-717604726)) and contains issues / defects that...
@treestructure That is not an error messsage associated with the 'skilion' codebase Please follow the correct support process as detailed here: https://github.com/abraunegg/onedrive
@tazihad > It would be awesome if you provide all of this inside flatpak including the abraunegg/onedrive You cant flatpak the client itself due to its build | compilation requirements...
@pelwell This is a clean install - nothing else installed, configured or enabled except for enabling `ssh`. Nothing was disabled. After creating the initial filesystem using `2020-05-27-raspios-buster-armhf` - the *only*...
If I add `ipv6.disable=1` to the boot parameters / cmdline.txt - at least I can boot, but the network interface does not even get an IPv4 address. On poweroff, however:...
@pelwell > What are you able to change? Adding `over_voltage=2`, `core_freq=250` and `arm_freq=600` to config.txt will help to rule out a few potential causes. Will test this shortly. Currently testing...
@pelwell > Adding `over_voltage=2`, `core_freq=250` and `arm_freq=600` to `config.txt` will help to rule out a few potential causes Unfortunately adding all of these, or in any combination of fails to...
@ChadBailey Please read: https://github.com/skilion/onedrive/issues/518#issuecomment-717604726
@justinabrahms The issue here is that the "Shared Business Folders" feature, is just that - for syncing business shared folders, shared with you - not individual files that have been...