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Pebble 2, Pebble Time Round and Pebble Time 2
Anyone planning to add support for the new devices? I am seriously considering ordering a 2 and a Time 2, but I don't really want to implement support on my own. I will help though, if someone else can join in? I would use the Time 2, and would be exclusively with SFOS. The 2 will be used on an Android device, but I can probably test things on that one too.
I initially posted this same issue on smokku/pebble, they directed me here. Apparently BLE is currently a show stopper?
Thanks for the issue. I've got a 2 on order, so I'll be having a crack at this as soon as possible.
Awesome! That probably means that I'll order one too in the near future, if you do not say that it's impossible :)
Before you do - I'm not sure if the Jolla 1 will get LE support if/when it gets added to Sailfish. It's kernel is too old for it. Needs 3.5+ afaik.
Ok. I guess compiling a custom kernel for Jolla is kind of extreme... I guess I'll wait then. Thank you :)
Since a year passed by, may I ask about what is the current state or a future possibility of Pebble 2 support in Rockpool?
I am new to the Pebble world and I am thinking of ordering a Pebble 2 HR, knowing that the support is not there as of now, but not sure about the future support. I have Jolla C and SailfishOS now supports Bluetooth LE on it.
I would be willing to contribute support for Pebble 2 to Rockpool, but having never developed anything Bluetooth (and Pebble) related, I am not sure what are the obstacles. I see that there is a Python Bluetooth LE library from Pebble, so it is just about supporting the BLE protocol, or has the API changed in the Pebble 2 version overall?
@abranson you mentioned you had ordered Pebble 2 one year ago - do you still own it and did you ever have a go at the connection through Rockpool?
Thank you.
No, I've never tried connecting to the 2 beyond testing the BTLE pairing in Bluez5. From what I understand, the Pebble LE protocol was developed in-house and the watch doesn't use any standard LE protocols. I hadn't seen that python repo before though - looks interesting. I don't think I'll get much chance to try it soon, but if you want to have a go at it I'll happily test it out and merge it. I think most of the other Pebble's can use that protocol too, and they present their LE interfaces for discovery before the ordinary BT.
My wife's using my Pebble 2 just lately. She turned off the HR sensor though because it flashes a green light constantly on the back of the watch which is quite annoying. I've switched to a Pebble Time Steel, which I think is the best watch they ever made. I'd recommend that if you're buying a new one...
Talking about BTLE support in Qt: am I right that even with updated bluez there are no Qt interfaces for that task out of the box at the moment?
P.S.: +1 for LE interfaces for all the pebble models with le support :)
@abranson Thank you for the advice - I went with Pebble Time Steel and ordered a Bluetooth LE adapter so I can test it when I have some more time.
In the meantime, I am considering some PRs to Rockpool's interface and/or figuring out some way to limit/blacklist/whitelist internet connection for watch apps (as I found their coding standards quite atrocious - things like sending GPS coordinates over HTTP are not an exception for those where I can see the code) but that's unrelated to this issue.