Abraham Williams
Abraham Williams
When an existing user signs in or new user finishes registering show a nice pretty welcome message.
Initial pass at saving users to Firestore. This will need additional work. Fixes #52.
`firestore.rules` should be enhanced so that each document type can have a specific list of field names to allow being set.
Nickname and full name inputs should be limited to some reasonable length.
If a user submits the registration form without providing name values, the `TextFormField` will get an error message and error border. When the user taps into the field and enters...
Fixes #28.
Images should fade in when they are done loading. Probably show a `CircularProgressIndicator` in a space the dimensions of the image.
Images should be cached on the device after loading for faster rerendering. They should be evicted from the cache after some amount of time.
There should be a loading view with some sort of loading animation. It will be similar to the `NoContent` widget.
Similar to the `NoConent` widget, create a nice looking error widget.