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Example code for integrating a PHP application with the Chargify billing service

Results 5 chargify issues
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I had a few oddities here and there when using with Cake, but I couldn't figure out this one when just using the library. "String could not be parsed as...

Hello, I have used the abraham chargify code along with the Chargify-Php-Client library. I also placed the correct api_key and the subdomain of chargify account. But while running "products.php", it...

I am using the following from your example in my application: $customer = new ChargifyCustomer(NULL, CHARGIFY_TEST_MODE); ``` // Create a ChargifyProduct object in test mode. $customer->email = $_POST['email']; $customer->first_name =...

Hi there, Thank you for this fantastic work you've done to show how this library can be used. I am using it for a project and it is saving me...

When i have the test set to true it seems to work with chargify but when i change test to false it doesnt work when i process the card the...