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For role-based authentication, tokens generated by AbpClaimTypes.Role cannot pass IsInRole
Is there an existing issue for this?
- [X] I have searched the existing issues
I obtained the JWTToken through the authorization center, used the Policy in the project, and everything worked fine. [Authorize("aaPolicy")] But I Authorize with [Roles = "Admin"] response saying error 403. At last check, it was probably due to the difference between AbpClaimTypes.Role and ClaimTypes.Role. The test code is as follows:
var claims = new List<Claim>();
claims.Add(new Claim(AbpClaimTypes.Role, "Admin"));
claims.Add(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, "Admin2"));
var pri = new ClaimsPrincipal(new ClaimsIdentity(claims));
var isRole = pri.IsInRole("Admin"); //false
var isRole2 = pri.IsInRole("Admin2"); //true
If, I don't want to change AbpClaimTypes.Role to ClaimTypes.Role, is there any way to make [Authorize(Roles = "Admin")] take effect.
Reproduction Steps
No response
Expected behavior
No response
Actual behavior
No response
No response
Known Workarounds
No response
User Interface
Common (Default)
Database Provider
EF Core (Default)
Tiered or separate authentication server
None (Default)
Operation System
Windows (Default)
Other information
No response
Reproduction Steps
Sorry, I can't reproduce the error. I have tried a demo of the abp sample (Ids2OpenId). Demo runs properly.
But my business code just isn't working, and I don't know why. So far, I can see that in the Demo, ClaimsRole in ClaimsPrincipal is a url address. In my problem project, ClaimsRole is a "role." I want to know where I'm going wrong, and I want a possible direction. I'll continue to try to reproduce this error tomorrow
Sorry, I can't reproduce the error. I have tried a demo of the abp sample (Ids2OpenId). Demo runs properly.
But my business code just isn't working, and I don't know why. So far, I can see that in the Demo, ClaimsRole in ClaimsPrincipal is a url address. In my problem project, ClaimsRole is a "role." I want to know where I'm going wrong, and I want a possible direction. I'll continue to try to reproduce this error tomorrow
Is the problem solved? The Role Cliams in my Principal are also Url, but Abp uses role when verifying the permission type.