sticky-sidebar copied to clipboard
Turn off on mobile
Hi, I am using your plugin and it works great !
What is the best way to "turn-it-off" on mobile ?
Thanks a lot
Copied from documentation
The sidebar returns to its normal position when the width of window is below this value.
Default: 0.
var sidebar = new StickySidebar('.sidebar', {minWidth: 300});
This is not working for me. On version 3.3.1
new StickySidebar('.sidebar', {
topSpacing: 20,
minWidth: 300
Am I doing something wrong ? Thanks
I tried the solution above but it doesn't seem to work on my end. Any other ways to disable this on mobile view?
I'm encountering the same issue. I've added the minWidth setting and I've configured the settings and even CSS according to the documentation.
I'm continuing to dig - I'll update here if I can find a solution. If anyone has any additional ideas, a heads up would be appreciated.
On sticky-sidebar.js line 500
if (window.innerWidth <= this.options.minWidth) {
If I change "this.options.minWidth" to a number, it works as intended.
Somewhere along the line "this.options.minWidth" isn't actually grabbing the minWidth default. It's set to 'false' by default, and even if I changed that minWidth declared variable to a number, it didn't work.
I now have a temporary fix, and hopefully this info can help the author fix the bug and/or others can use my hack to get theirs working.
My solution:
* Sticky Sidebar
const sidebar = new StickySidebar('.sidebar', {
containerSelector: '.wrapper',
innerWrapperSelector: '.sidebar__inner',
* Media Query
const mediaQuery = matchMedia('(min-width: 768px)')
const mediaQueryHandler = mq => {
if (mq.matches) {
// enable
} else {
// disable
use this if($(window).width() >= 1024){ const sidebar = new StickySidebar('.sidebar', { containerSelector: '.wrapper', innerWrapperSelector: '.sidebar__inner', }) }