Arun Bose
Arun Bose
`src/assets/new-project` folder contains unused files. Remove all files that are not part of any main HTML files. * font awesome CSS library has unused files. * other unused files
Extensions should only be loaded as and when required to improve load and memory performance. To enable this, add the following configurations to the extension package.json : ```json { "toolbarIcons":...
Marked by default doesn't support code formatting and coloring. use highlight.js for that
* Clicking on code should scroll to the correct element in preview. * clicking on element in preview should locate code in editor.
mermaid is now supported in github markdown. We should support it too.
We should do dom sanitization for security hardening.
* we should periodically update marked.js . Tie upgrades to The phoenix build infrastructure.
Es6 extension support in phoenix. Right now only AMD require JS extensions are supported. Can we dynamically load ES6 module extensions?
PWA support for chrome was added in The install UI should be inline with brackets ux.