
Results 22 comments of aboka2k

my domain: orca.gq cloudfront domain: d35q91vx742fcp.cloudfront.net

> Delivery Method Web Cookie Logging Off Distribution Status Deployed Comment - Price Class Use Only U.S., Canada and Europe AWS WAF Web ACL - State Enabled Alternate Domain Names...

its very late now and hvto work tomorrow. will try to think of some solutions and if still no other clue, will try to contact AWS tomorrow evening. as it...

hi, hv post to AWS community forum and waiting for a reply. This is what chrome shows when browse to https://orca.gq. Any chance this is why CF wont show this...

already 2 days but still no one reply on their forum. try to contact support but we need to pay them monthly fees?? bummer. hvto pay for support when we...

> There is a bug in Cloak / oversight. In case your shadowsocks client is passing cloak the remote addr as IP instead of the original domain, Cloak sets the...

hi all, just finish reading this thread and got a couple questions as im interest too to try out ss+v2ray setup- 1) do we need a webserver for the ss+v2ray+tls...

@vanyaindigo thats the best news for today as i hv read, learn and setup a ss+v2ray+tls+cdn without proxy reverse. i do have apache installed but i change apache 443 to...

> The easiest way to check is if the traffic is running, then everything is fine. yup, all internet surfing working fine :) saw a post before saying that we...

hi @vanyaindigo sorry for so many questions, i hv read a lot(bits here and there on the internet rgd this), but never had chance to ask someone knowledgeable like you....