spades copied to clipboard
== Error == system call for: "[~~~]" finished abnormally, OS return value: -7
hey, I'm trying to RNAspades on paired Illumina reads which didn't align to my reference. and I'm getting the following error: == Error == system call for: "['/apps/RH7U2/gnu/SPAdes/3.14.0/bin/spades-core', '~/spadesOutput3/K73/configs/', '~/spadesOutput3/K73/configs/', ~/spadesOutput3/K73/configs/']" finished abnormally, OS return value: -7
also, should I be using --isolate if I have different individuals in each library/file pair?
thanks a lot for your help
Thank you for your interest in SPAdes. It's likely an I/O problem at your side. Do you have enough free space available?
how much space should I allocate? at the moment I'm allocating 20gb RAM at 5 cores. any other suggestions?