spades icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
spades copied to clipboard

err code: -7

Open lz870718 opened this issue 5 years ago • 14 comments

Hi, I was trying to run spades in linux, but got following error:

== Error == system call for: "['/gpfs/home/user/.conda/envs/tormes-environment/share/spades-3.13.0-0/bin/spades-hammer', '/gpfs/data/projects/Denovo_result/corrected/configs/']" finished abnormally, err code: -7

Could you please guide me through it? Thank you so much!


lz870718 avatar Nov 20 '19 18:11 lz870718

Sure. Just two lines below the ones you posted and one line above the github link there was a suggestion to provide certain files.

Will you please provide them?

asl avatar Nov 20 '19 20:11 asl

Hi Asl,

I sent them to [email protected]. Thank you for looking into it!


lz870718 avatar Nov 20 '19 20:11 lz870718

Hello @asl! I am having a similar issue:

This is the command that I ran on our cluster:

/project2/meren/RESOURCES/PUBLIC/SOFTWARE/SPAdes-3.13.0-Linux/bin/	\
-o /project2/meren/PROJECTS/02_METASPADES \
--meta \
-1 /project2/meren/PROJECTS/01_QC/sewage_hic_0001_WW01_shotgun-QUALITY_PASSED_R1.fastq.gz \
-2 /project2/meren/PROJECTS/01_QC/sewage_hic_0001_WW01_shotgun-QUALITY_PASSED_R2.fastq.gz \
-t 30 \
-m 750

And this is the error:

== Error ==  system call for: 
'/project2/meren/PROJECTS/02_METASPADES/K55/configs/']" finished abnormally, 
err code: -7

These are my spades.log and params.log files: params.txt spades.log

This is an assembly of a single metagenome from a wastewater treatment plant and I can't figure out why my assembly keeps failing. If you have any idea of whats going on from the attached files I'd love to hear them. Thank you so much!!

efogarty11 avatar Dec 26 '19 08:12 efogarty11

Does the problem reproduce with SPAdes 3.14.0?

asl avatar Jan 09 '20 15:01 asl

@tania-k Please do not hijack the other issues as the problem might be completely different (as in your case). What is the filesystem on your /bigdata/ storage?

asl avatar Jan 15 '20 07:01 asl

Hi @asl, I'm still waiting for the assembly to finish (it's been running for over 2 weeks) but is continuing to write to the spades.log file, so I'm hopeful that it's working! Thank you for the 3.14.0 suggestion!

efogarty11 avatar Jan 26 '20 23:01 efogarty11

Hi @asl, well funny timing, it just failed again using 3.14.0.

Here is the command that I ran: -o 02_METASPADES/ --meta -1 /storage2/data/efogarty-analysis/GUT_PLASMIDS/HI-C/sewage/sewage_hic_0001_WW01_shotgun_1.fastq -2 /storage2/data/efogarty-analysis/GUT_PLASMIDS/HI-C/sewage/sewage_hic_0001_WW01_shotgun_2.fastq -t 30 -m 1500

This is the bottom of the spades.log file:

== Error ==  system call for: "['/automounts/bioware/bioware/linuxOpteron/spades-3.14.0/bin/spades-core', '/automounts/storage2/storage2/efogarty-analysis/GUT_PLASMIDS/HI-C/sewage/assembly_sewage_hic_0001_WW01_shotgun/02_METASPADES/K55/configs/', '/automounts/storage2/storage2/efogarty-analysis/GUT_PLASMIDS/HI-C/sewage/assembly_sewage_hic_0001_WW01_shotgun/02_METASPADES/K55/configs/', '/automounts/storage2/storage2/efogarty-analysis/GUT_PLASMIDS/HI-C/sewage/assembly_sewage_hic_0001_WW01_shotgun/02_METASPADES/K55/configs/']" finished abnormally, OS return value: 255

In case you have troubles running SPAdes, you can write to [email protected]
or report an issue on our GitHub repository
Please provide us with params.txt and spades.log files from the output directory.

SPAdes log can be found here: /automounts/storage2/storage2/efogarty-analysis/GUT_PLASMIDS/HI-C/sewage/assembly_sewage_hic_0001_WW01_shotgun/02_METASPADES/spades.log

Thank you for using SPAdes!

I've attached the spades.log file and the params.txt. Thank you so much! params.txt spades.log

Also, if there is a way to fix this, is it possible to run it starting just from K55 and using the previously computed K21 and 33?

efogarty11 avatar Jan 27 '20 21:01 efogarty11

So, the log reads:

116:35:28.875   179G / 721G  INFO   K-mer Index Building     (kmer_index_builder.hpp    : 314)   Building perfect hash indices
116:35:30.490   180G / 721G  ERROR   General                 (mmapped_reader.hpp        :  52)   mmap(2) failed. Reason: Cannot allocate memory. Error code: 12
116:35:30.490   180G / 721G  ERROR   General                 (mmapped_reader.hpp        :  52)   mmap(2) failed. Reason: Cannot allocate memory. Error code: 12

And you're running out of RAM. Use --continue / --restart-from options

asl avatar Jan 27 '20 21:01 asl

Ahh, ok. I will try it out allocating more memory with the -m flag. Thank you!!

efogarty11 avatar Jan 27 '20 21:01 efogarty11

@asl I'm running into the issue that it isn't able to recognize my params.txt file. With both the --continue and the --restart-from flags, I get this error:

command line: perl /bioware/seqinfo/bin/clusterize -n 30 -log restart_assembly_sewage_hic_0001_WW01_shotgun.log -o 02_METASPADES/ --meta -1 /storage2/data/efogarty-analysis/GUT_PLASMIDS/HI-C/sewage/sewage_hic_0001_WW01_shotgun_1.fastq -2 /storage2/data/efogarty-analysis/GUT_PLASMIDS/HI-C/sewage/sewage_hic_0001_WW01_shotgun_2.fastq -t 35 -m 1900 --continue
Running on host: barhal-01.bpcservers.private
Running command: -o 02_METASPADES/ --meta -1 /storage2/data/efogarty-analysis/GUT_PLASMIDS/HI-C/sewage/sewage_hic_0001_WW01_shotgun_1.fastq -2 /storage2/data/efogarty-analysis/GUT_PLASMIDS/HI-C/sewage/sewage_hic_0001_WW01_shotgun_2.fastq -t 35 -m 1900 --continue

== Error ==  failed to parse command line of the previous run (/automounts/storage2/storage2/efogarty-analysis/GUT_PLASMIDS/HI-C/sewage/assembly_sewage_hic_0001_WW01_shotgun/02_METASPADES/02_METASPADES/params.txt not found)!

In case you have troubles running SPAdes, you can write to [email protected]
or report an issue on our GitHub repository
Please provide us with params.txt and spades.log files from the output directory.
Job exit status: 1
Warning: job exited non-zero: 1

This file is in the directory that I'm running the assembly in, but for some reasons it thinks that the path to this file is /automounts/storage2/storage2/..../02_METASPADES/params.txt, when it is really /automounts/storage2/data/..../02_METASPADES/params.txt

Is there a way for me to explicitly tell metaspades where the params.txt file is?

efogarty11 avatar Jan 27 '20 21:01 efogarty11

Well... I guess the problem is your wrapper script that hacks on cmdline of / and its working directory... Maybe specifying absolute path for -o will help.

asl avatar Jan 28 '20 07:01 asl

Thank you for the suggestion @asl. I've tried as many variations as I can think of to try to restart it from there. I've tried --continue, --restart-from k55, and --restart-from last. When I put the full path for everything and run this:

/bioware/spades-3.14.0/bin/ -o /storage2/data/efogarty-analysis/GUT_PLASMIDS/HI-C/sewage/assembly_sewage_hic_0001_WW01_shotgun/02_METASPADES/ --meta -1 /storage2/data/efogarty-analysis/GUT_PLASMIDS/HI-C/sewage/sewage_hic_0001_WW01_shotgun_1.fastq -2 /storage2/data/efogarty-analysis/GUT_PLASMIDS/HI-C/sewage/sewage_hic_0001_WW01_shotgun_2.fastq -t 35 -m 1900 --restart-from mc

I get this error:

command line: perl /bioware/seqinfo/bin/clusterize -n 35 -log restart_assembly_sewage_hic_0001_WW01_shotgun.log /bioware/spades-3.14.0/bin/ -o /storage2/data/efogarty-analysis/GUT_PLASMIDS/HI-C/sewage/assembly_sewage_hic_0001_WW01_shotgun/02_METASPADES/ --meta -1 /storage2/data/efogarty-analysis/GUT_PLASMIDS/HI-C/sewage/sewage_hic_0001_WW01_shotgun_1.fastq -2 /storage2/data/efogarty-analysis/GUT_PLASMIDS/HI-C/sewage/sewage_hic_0001_WW01_shotgun_2.fastq -t 35 -m 1900 --restart-from last
Running on host: barhal-01.bpcservers.private
Running command: /bioware/spades-3.14.0/bin/ -o /storage2/data/efogarty-analysis/GUT_PLASMIDS/HI-C/sewage/assembly_sewage_hic_0001_WW01_shotgun/02_METASPADES/ --meta -1 /storage2/data/efogarty-analysis/GUT_PLASMIDS/HI-C/sewage/sewage_hic_0001_WW01_shotgun_1.fastq -2 /storage2/data/efogarty-analysis/GUT_PLASMIDS/HI-C/sewage/sewage_hic_0001_WW01_shotgun_2.fastq -t 35 -m 1900 --restart-from last
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/bioware/spades-3.14.0/bin/", line 639, in <module>
  File "/bioware/spades-3.14.0/bin/", line 577, in main
    cfg, dataset_data, command_line = parse_args(args, log)
  File "/bioware/spades-3.14.0/bin/", line 237, in parse_args
    secondary_filling=False, restart_from=False)
  File "/automounts/bioware/bioware/linuxOpteron/spades-3.14.0/share/spades/spades_pipeline/", line 1045, in parse_args
    options_storage.args, argv = parser.parse_known_args(options)
  File "/bioware/python-3.6.5-201804120909/lib/python3.6/", line 1762, in parse_known_args
    namespace, args = self._parse_known_args(args, namespace)
  File "/bioware/python-3.6.5-201804120909/lib/python3.6/", line 1968, in _parse_known_args
    start_index = consume_optional(start_index)
  File "/bioware/python-3.6.5-201804120909/lib/python3.6/", line 1908, in consume_optional
    take_action(action, args, option_string)
  File "/bioware/python-3.6.5-201804120909/lib/python3.6/", line 1836, in take_action
    action(self, namespace, argument_values, option_string)
  File "/automounts/bioware/bioware/linuxOpteron/spades-3.14.0/share/spades/spades_pipeline/", line 123, in __call__
    support.add_to_dataset(opt, arg, namespace.dataset_data)
  File "/automounts/bioware/bioware/linuxOpteron/spades-3.14.0/share/spades/spades_pipeline/", line 538, in add_to_dataset
    if record_id not in dataset_data:  # setting default values for a new record
TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable
Job exit status: 1
Warning: job exited non-zero: 1

efogarty11 avatar Jan 29 '20 15:01 efogarty11

Hi, @efogarty11! Thank you for detecting some problems with spades!

Please, can you follow next steps:

  1. If it is possible, please, copy the output folder with results to a backup folder. It is helpful for making some experiments with running spades without fear to lose intermediate results. cp /storage2/data/efogarty-analysis/GUT_PLASMIDS/HI-C/sewage/assembly_sewage_hic_0001_WW01_shotgun/02_METASPADES/ /storage2/data/efogarty-analysis/GUT_PLASMIDS/HI-C/sewage/assembly_sewage_hic_0001_WW01_shotgun/02_METASPADES_backup/

  2. try to run /bioware/spades-3.14.0/bin/ --restart-from last --checkpoints last -o /storage2/data/efogarty-analysis/GUT_PLASMIDS/HI-C/sewage/assembly_sewage_hic_0001_WW01_shotgun/02_METASPADES/

you need not write any extra parameters for restart-from except -o, otherwise spades try to update parameters.

olga24912 avatar Jan 30 '20 10:01 olga24912

thank you @olga24912! I made the back up but that seems like it's working! :) thanks again!!

efogarty11 avatar Jan 30 '20 21:01 efogarty11