Abiyu Giday
Abiyu Giday
Even with zoom = 1, there white space on both the right and left side are way too long. Any other way to reduce the margin on right/left?
More details are here. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/37035304/regex-query-from-shiny-server-to-mysql DBI_0.4
I see. So is this as designed or will you look into put a fix for merging fcated cases?
Don't rule it out. Thanks for responding.
How many core processors does your computer have? How long is it taking you to train the 2GB data?
Yes, what is the latest? Can we set "initial state" for filter_select from crosstalk?
Just tested "selected" in flex_dash frame work with devtools version crosstalk_1.0.1.9000. not working here. Any ETA?
#70 works!
"selected" option works with leaflet and DT, but not with plotly any guidance @cpsievert ?