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Project : Data Structures and Algorithms in C#

Data Structures and Algorithms in C#

~~Simple Data Structures~~

  1. ~~Linked List~~
  2. ~~Double Linked List~~
  3. ~~Stack~~
  4. ~~Queue~~


  1. ~~Binary Tree~~
  2. ~~Binary Search Tree~~
  3. ~~B+ Tree~~ (deletion remaining)
  4. ~~AVL Tree~~
  5. ~~Red Black Tree~~ (deletion remaining)
  6. ~~Splay Tree~~
  7. ~~Heap~~
    • ~~Min Heap~~
    • ~~Max Heap~~
  8. ~~Trie~~
  9. ~~Huffman~~

Sorting (HIGHEST)

  1. ~~Bubble~~
  2. ~~Insertion~~
  3. ~~Selection~~
  4. ~~Heap~~
  5. ~~Radix~~
  6. ~~Quick~~
  7. ~~Shell~~
  8. ~~Merge~~
  9. ~~Tim~~
  10. ~~Cocktail~~

  1. KMP
  2. Rabin-Karp

Graph Traversal (HIGH)

  1. Adjacency List
  2. Adjacency Matrix
  3. BFS
  4. DFS
  5. Topoligical Sort
  6. Prim
  7. Kruskal
  8. Djikstra
  9. Floyd Warshall
  10. Bellman Ford
  11. A*