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Emacs package for working with Google's codesearch tools.

emacs-codesearch: Tools for using codesearch from Emacs

These extensions allow you to use codesearch from Emacs.

This project comprises two main parts. First, codesearch.el containts low-level functionality for interacting with the codesearch tools cindex and csearch. These functions execute the tools, help manage your index files, and provide access to tool output, but they don't provide any sort of user interface.

The second main part is a collection packages that provide user interfaces for the codesearch tools. Currently we have:

  • listing-codesearch.el provides a very simple, listing-oriented display of results

Table of Contents

  • Core functionality from codesearch.el
    • Installation
    • Configuring your index files(s)
    • Further configuration
    • Low-level codsearch commands
  • List-oriented UI with listing-codesearch.el
    • Installation
    • Configuration
    • Commands

Core functionality from codesearch.el

codesearch.el is needed for any interaction with the codesearch tools.


It can be installed from melpa:

M-x package-install codesearch

Then just require it somewhere in your Emacs configuration:

(require 'codesearch)

(Note that the various UI packages will also require codesearch, so this step may not be strictly necessary).

Configuring your index files(s)

The codesearch tools use an index file for storing information about the symbols found in your source code. codesearch.el provides two modes for specifying the locations of these index files.

The first mode is global index mode wherein you specify a single, global index file that is used for all codesearch operations. To use global index mode, set the variable codesearch-global-csearchindex to the path for you index file. When set, the specified file will be used for every search and indexing operation that you perform.

The second indexing mode is project index mode where you will use different index files for different directories. To use this mode, first make sure that codesearch-global-csearchindex is set to nil. Then, set the variable codesearch-csearchindex to the filename that you use for your indexes. Now when codesearch.el performs operations it will look for the file codesearch-csearchindex in the current directory and its ancestors until one is found. If none is found, an error is raised.

NB: At the time of writing there is no way to create new project-specific indices using codesearch.el. You'll need to create those outside of Emacs until the issue is addressed.

Further configuration

You can also configure other aspects of codesearch.el, though that's not generally necessary. See the configuration group codesearch for full details.

Low-level codsearch commands

The core codesearch package provides a number of commands that you need to use in order to manage your indices.

  • codesearch-build-index - This command adds a directory tree to the configured index.
  • codeseearch-update-index - This command updates the currently configured index by rescanning all of the directories that it already contains.
  • codesearch-reset - This removes the currently configured index completely.

List-oriented UI with listing-codesearch.el

listing-codesearch provides a simple, list-oriented UI for displaying and interacting with codesearch results.


It can be installed from melpa:

M-x package-install listing-codesearch

Then just require it somewhere in your Emacs configuration:

(require 'listing-codesearch)


listing-codesearch doesn't typically require any configuration, but check the listing-codesearch configuration group for full details.


listing-codesearch provides two functions for displaying information.

  • listing-codesearch-search - Perform a query on the currently configured index and lists the results in a buffer. Clicking on individual results in the output buffer will take you to those locations in the source code.

  • listing-codesearch-list-directories - List the directories currently index in the currently configured index.