Abhishek Kumar Rai
Abhishek Kumar Rai
Program type already present: android.support.v4.app.INotificationSideChannel
1st of all, i would like to pay thanks for this grate Youtube Player SDK. i have just a little question / help on same. i just want to know...
Dear Team, After update my system Sierra To High Sierra(10.13.4) & Xcode(9.3), i am gatting error when try to create pod file. 1. My current gen list is :---------- bigdecimal...
I am facing difficulty adding items in the cart as not finding the right way to get checkout. If someone helps me to get it done it's proud.
I am trying to implement setSelection(position) inside Activity but every time it crashes the app. Please suggest and update if any one resolved this issue
There is lot of issue with mipmap icon and image related issue, could you please shared complete source code for same
ERROR: File google-services.json is missing. The Google Services Plugin cannot function without it. Please share the data formate at the list by which we can design app soon structure on...