frontend-interview copied to clipboard
Everything about Frontend Interviews 🎊
- [x] bind() vs apply() vs call()
- [x] Polyfills
- [x] Polyfill for Bind Method
- [x] Currying in Javascript
- [x] Async and Defer
- [x] Event Bubbling
- [x] Event Capturing aka Trickling
- [x] Event Delegation
- [x] Protoypes and Prototypal Inheritence
- [x] Dan Abramov's Just Javascipt
- [x] Primitive and Reference Types
- [ ] Scoping
- [ ] Closures
- [ ] The Event Loop
- [ ] Callbacks and Promises
- [ ] Variable and function hoisting
- [ ] Event Delegation - used to reduce the number of event listeners attached to the items.
- [ ] Debouncing and Throttling
- [ ] ES6 features
- [ ] CORS
- [ ] Deep copy vs Shallow copy
- [ ] React - lifecycle method
- [ ] React Hooks
- [ ] Virtual DOM
- [ ] Redux
- [ ] Performance of web app
- [ ] Caching
- [x] Module Bundler