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Go Share your TimeSeries/NameSpace/KeyVal DataStore (using leveldb) over HTTP &/or ZeroMQ

Go Share

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 / /_/ / /_/ /  (__  ) / / / /_/ / /  /  __/
 \__, /\____/  /____/_/ /_/\__,_/_/   \___/

Tasks in Queue at Trello Board

distributed under MIT License

Go Share any data among the nodes. Over HTTP or ZeroMQ.

  • GOShare eases up communication over HTTP GET param based interaction.
  • ZeroMQ REQ/REP based synchronous communication model.

it's "go get"-able

go get "github.com/abhishekkr/goshare"

Make Distributable Binary

./go-tasks.sh bin

This will create two distributable binaries ./bin/goshare_service & ./bin/goshare_daemon. Here ./bin/goshare_service works as shown in README's 'Tryout' section.

Whereas ./bin/goshare_daemon can be used as a system service daemon, with following command line flags (along with flags mentioned in 'Tryout' section for ports and db-path)

  • start: ./bin/goshare_daemon -daemon=start
  • stop: ./bin/goshare_daemon -daemon=stop
  • status: ./bin/goshare_daemon -daemon=status

this dumps daemon's current status to /tmp/goshare_daemon.status and pid to /tmp/goshare_daemon.pid the status and pid file path can be changed with flags '-daemon-log=' & '-daemon-pid=' respectively


 go run zxtra/goshare_daemon.go -DBPath=/tmp/GOTSDB

By default it runs HTTP daemon at port 9999 and ZeroMQ daemon at 9797/9898, make it run on another port using following required flags

 go run zxtra/goshare_daemon.go -DBPath=/tmp/GOTSDB -port=8080 -req-port=8000 -rep-port=8001
  Dummy Clients Using It

  * go run zxtra/gohttp_client.go

  * go run zxtra/go0mq_client.go

  for custom Port: 8080 for HTTP; Port: 8000/8001 for ZeroMQ

  * go run zxtra/gohttp_client.go -port=8080

  * go run zxtra/go0mq_client.go -req-port=8000 -rep-port=8001

To utilize it "zxtra/gohttp_client.go" and "zxtra/go0mq_client.go" can be referred on how to utilize capabilities of GoShare.


"goshare"'s methods to adapt these in your code:

  • GoShare() : it runs HTTP and ZeroMQ daemon in parallel goroutines

has optional flags customization of:

  • DBPath: path for LevelDB or other used (default: /tmp/GO.DB)
  • DBEngine: DB backend used (default: leveldb,; other options: sqlite3)
  • port: port to bind HTTP daemon (default: 9999)
  • req-port, rep-port: ports to bind ZeroMQ REQ/REP daemon (default: 9797, 9898)
  • GoShareHTTP(<levigo DB handle>, <http port as int>) : it runs HTTP daemon

  • GoShareZMQ(<levigo DB handle>, <req-port as int>, <rep-port as int>) : it runs ZMQ daemon

Now visit the the link asked by it and get the help page.

  • go lang (obviously, the heart and soul of the app)
  • leveldb (we are using for datastore, it's awesome)
  • levigo (the go library utilized to access leveldb)
  • zeroMQ (the supercharged Sockets giving REQuest/REPly power)
  • gozmq GoLang ZeroMQ Bindings used here
  • levigoNS NameSpace KeyVal capabilities around leveldb via levigo
  • levigoTSDS TimeSeries KeyVal capabilties around leveldb via levigoNS
  • gol Set of common utility functionalities
