The coupon amount was being applied on advance payment which will now be applied on due amount.
This change updates texts at various places throughout QloApps.
The popup does not appear if module list is fetched via ajax when a filter is applied.
1. The order history page at front office will now stop scrolling if interrupted by manual scroll using mouse. 2. The manual scroll at order view page at back office...
This change will allow customer to generate vouchers against credit slips generated during refunds.
Removed employee avatar from back office header and replaced it with website logo at other places.
Using count() on a null variable triggers PHP warning on PHP versions >= 7.2. This change resolves this issue.
This change will allow admin to modify price for rooms when creating a new booking.
This issue was being caused when sending order related emails on order view page at back office.
The applied voucher amount will neither exceed the price of restricted room type nor apply to other room types.