Abhishek Kumar
Abhishek Kumar
@62mkv Can u please try Oracle Database 21.3 XE image. This EM express connection failed issue is resolved in this image. Please reopen the issue if it persists in 21.3...
@JithuPaul24 **Please try with azure disk storage**. With azure files, even if the persistent volume has 0777 permissions, the ownership of the files and directories is given to the `root`...
@JithuPaul24 Any update ??
@beegee1 We have a provision to update OPatch. Download the OPatch zip i.e. Patch 6880880 and place it to `/extensions/patching/patches/one_offs` directory along with other patches if any. Then after extending...
Oracle Database container images from version 19.3 onwards are tested and supported for Kubernetes. Please use those images. Closing this issue for now.
@mariadb-RoelVandePaar It appears that the build-context is not able to find the Dockerfile.xe. Please run `buildContainerImage.sh` script by going inside the `docker-images/OracleDatabase/SingleInstance/dockerfiles` directory or give the full absolute path to...
@doberkofler You can use the following command to enter inside the container as root user: ```bash docker exec -it -u root bash ``` After this, you can install additional packages...
@doberkofler If you do not mount an external volume using -v option in the `docker run` command, the data will not be persistent. Every time, the container is recreated the...
@chrisns I am unable to reproduce this. ```bash bash-4.2$ expdp system/oracle@ORCLPDB1 Export: Release - Production on Mon Sep 5 11:14:47 2022 Version Copyright (c) 1982, 2019, Oracle and/or...
@mfabbri For which database version have you tried building k8s extension ??