RecSys.jl icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
RecSys.jl copied to clipboard is outdated

Open julienmarie opened this issue 8 years ago • 2 comments

Following the Readme

trainingset = DlmFile("data3.csv"; dlm=',', header=true, quotes=false)
als = ALSWR(trainingset)

LoadError: MethodError: Cannot `convert` an object of type RecSys.DlmFile to an object of type RecSys.ALSWR{TP<:RecSys.Parallelism,TI<:RecSys.Inputs,TM<:RecSys.Model}
This may have arisen from a call to the constructor RecSys.ALSWR{TP<:RecSys.Parallelism,TI<:RecSys.Inputs,TM<:RecSys.Model}(...),
since type constructors fall back to convert methods.
while loading In[32], in expression starting on line 1

 in RecSys.ALSWR{TP<:RecSys.Parallelism,TI<:RecSys.Inputs,TM<:RecSys.Model}(::RecSys.DlmFile) at ./sysimg.jl:53

Has the API changed ?

julienmarie avatar Dec 16 '16 04:12 julienmarie

Yes. is now outdated.

Available constructors for ALSWR:

ALSWR(inp::FileSpec, par::ParThread)
ALSWR(inp::FileSpec, par::ParShmem)
ALSWR(user_item_ratings::FileSpec, item_user_ratings::FileSpec, par::ParBlob)

Here are some examples to refer:

tanmaykm avatar Dec 17 '16 03:12 tanmaykm

@abhijithch Can you please update?

ViralBShah avatar Dec 17 '16 10:12 ViralBShah