Abhijeet Singh Kaurav
Abhijeet Singh Kaurav
Added account models for various provider type. Added sample examples under `tests/accounts` directory. Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qABJgsQSXkc7kw6e2n7GJc2fRCHrDJyAspI3SWbwmt0/edit Commands added: 1. calm compile account -f : Compiles the account. 2. calm create account...
On creating a blueprint which contains http task with some secret headers. The api is failing with `"Provided passphrase is wrong. Please enter correct passphrase"`
`calm create bp` command return a` zero exit code` even though it results in an `Error`. Calm command should return an exit code other than zero on error. Use-case: within...
Add retries count, read timeout as cli params or config parameter. That can increase the processing of some dsl commands. For ex: If configuration of two verified account is disturbed/screwed.`calm...
We need more validations on blueprint classes related to calm domain. Need to have these validations on client side For ex: 1. All the downloadable images that are used in...
Right now, the output python file via decompile command shows the default value for various entities too. For ex: **var9 = CalmVariable.Simple.Secret.date( "", label="var9_label", regex="^((0[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01])/(0[1-9]|1[0-2])/[12]\d{3})$", validate_regex=True, is_mandatory=False, is_hidden=False, runtime=False, )**...
Field `operation type` is introduced to merge disks and virtual disks into disks options only. In Calm-dsl, disks and virtual disks are still exposed separately
take care of version validation and update changes if config file is supplied during cli switches. (As version cache will be from existing context. ) Either update or remove version...
We can also target endpoint for blueprint tasks. Decompilation support for them is to be added also.
Command itself is not sufficent to enable completion of dsl setup on centos vm. Improve it so that dev setup should be completed on centos image.