few-shot-segmentation copied to clipboard
PyTorch implementation of 'Squeeze and Excite' Guided Few Shot Segmentation of Volumetric Scans
Hi, Thanks for sharing the code with the community. I have one quick question. In few_shot_segmentor.py line 81, there should be `e4, _, ind4 = self.encode4(e3)` but not `e4, _,...
Hi, I'm using my dataset and trying to run this code, but i haven't figured it out, what should the data format look like. It would be very helpful for...
Hi, Thanks for sharing the code with the community. I have one quick question. In convert_h5.py, how do you prepare those corresponding data? i.e., what is the FS mean? Could...
In paper "Recalibrating Fully Convolutional Networks withSpatial and Channel ‘Squeeze & Excitation’ Blocks", we can find that using **scSE block** can get better performance ,but this paper didn't do experiments...
Hello! Thank you very much for sharing the code. Could you share the download link and data processing of the datasets, which will help me a lot. Thank you!
Hi, I am trying to the code on Google Colab but I get this error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/content/drive/MyDrive/sofa/few-shot-segmentation/run.py", line 7, in import few_shot_segmentor as fs File...