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A deep reinforcement learning approach to search engine ranking (PyTorch). Final Project for UC Berkeley's CS 285: Deep Reinforcement Learning, Decision Making, and Control

DeepQRank: Generating Search Engine Rankings with Deep Reinforcement Learning

Learning to Rank is the problem involved with ranking a sequence of documents based on their relevance to a given query. Deep Q-Learning has been shown to be a useful method for training an agent in sequential decision making.

DeepQRank, our deep q-learning to rank agent, demonstrates performance that can be considered state-of-the-art. Though less computationally efficient than a supervised learning approach such as linear regression, our agent has fewer limitations in terms of which format of data it can use for training and evaluation.

Here's how the model improves over time:

line plot of NDCG@1 over iterations

We run our algorithm against Microsoft's LETOR listwise dataset and achieve an NDCG@1 (ranking accuracy in the range [0,1]) of 0.5075, narrowly beating out the leading supervised learning model, SVMRank (0.4958).

As this table shows, our model has the highest NDCG@1 (a ranking metric used for document relevance).

Model NDCG@1
RankSVM 0.4958
ListNet 0.4002
AdaRank-MAP 0.3821
AdaRank-NDCG 0.3876
SVMMAP 0.3853
RankNet 0.4790
MDPRank 0.4061
DeepQRank 0.5075

How to Run

The scripts folder has multiple scripts for training and evaluating a model. To modify the neural network being used, you can edit the model/ file. The dataset needed for this model is LETOR's listwise dataset.