pytradesimulator copied to clipboard
Python based exchange simulator using FIX protocol
Python exchange simulator ######################### .. image:: :target:
A python based trading exchange running on FIX.4.2.
The exchange performs order matching based on FIFO order matching algorithm. Amending existing order is also supported via FIX :code:OrderCancelReplaceRequest
Order types
.. code-block:: bash
Running ordering client and exchange server.
Clone the repo and run the following commands,
.. code-block:: bash
$ cd pytradesim
$ mkdir logs
$ ./
$ ./ configs/client1.cfg
Running market data client and market data adapter.
.. code-block:: bash
$ ./ configs/mdclient1.cfg
$ ./
Start market data client.
.. code-block:: bash
$ ./
2020-05-23 18:31:52.701728 [INFO ] (main ) Logging set to info.
2020-05-23 18:31:52.711440 [INFO ] (onCreate ) Successfully created sessions FIX.4.2:MARKET->MDCLIENT1.
2020-05-23 18:31:52.716357 [INFO ] (onCreate ) Successfully created sessions FIX.4.2:MARKET->MDCLIENT2.
2020-05-23 18:31:52.717506 [INFO ] (main ) FIX.4.2 maarket data server started.
2020-05-23 18:32:12.909809 [INFO ] (onLogon ) FIX.4.2:MARKET->MDCLIENT1 successfully logged in.
2020-05-23 18:32:34.697594 [INFO ] (onLogon ) FIX.4.2:MARKET->MDCLIENT2 successfully logged in.
Start the market data clients and subscribe to instruments (example, MSFT, HYG).
.. code-block:: bash
$ ./ configs/mdclient1.cfg -d
2020-05-23 18:32:12.901025 [INFO ] (main ) Logging set to debug.
2020-05-23 18:32:12.907327 [INFO ] (onCreate ) Successfully created session FIX.4.2:MDCLIENT1->MARKET.
2020-05-23 18:32:12.909923 [INFO ] (onLogon ) FIX.4.2:MDCLIENT1->MARKET session successfully logged in.
Enter symbol to subscribe: MSFT
2020-05-23 18:32:38.002055 [DEBUG ] (toApp ) Sending 8=FIX.4.29=12935=V34=249=MDCLIENT152=20200523-16:32:38.00000056=MARKET146=155=MSFT262=TESTREQUEST1263=1264=10267=3269=0269=1269=210=218 session FIX.4.2:MDCLIENT1->MARKET
Start the exchange server.
.. code-block:: bash
$ ./
2020-05-23 18:31:57.270028 [INFO ] (main ) Logging set to info.
2020-05-23 18:31:57.276828 [INFO ] (onCreate ) Successfully created session FIX.4.2:EXCHANGE->CLIENT1.
2020-05-23 18:31:57.280955 [INFO ] (onCreate ) Successfully created session FIX.4.2:EXCHANGE->CLIENT2.
2020-05-23 18:31:57.281989 [INFO ] (main ) FIX.4.2 server started.
2020-05-23 18:31:57.284128 [INFO ] (main ) Started market data publisher at port 9000.
Start the trading clients.
.. code-block:: bash
$ ./ configs/client1.cfg
2020-05-23 18:32:48.812824 [INFO ] (main ) Logging set to info.
2020-05-23 18:32:48.820117 [INFO ] (onCreate ) Successfully created session FIX.4.2:CLIENT1->EXCHANGE.
2020-05-23 18:32:48.821577 [INFO ] (onLogon ) FIX.4.2:CLIENT1->EXCHANGE session successfully logged in.
Enter choice :-
1. New order
2. Replace order
3. Delete order
To send a order in MSFT, select new order and then set the required prices.
.. code-block:: bash
Enter order :-
Symbol: MSFT
Price: 189
Quantity: 675
Side: buy
Type: limit
Sending new order...
2020-05-23 18:33:27.082369 [INFO ] (fromApp ) Got message 8=FIX.4.29=18035=834=349=EXCHANGE52=20200523-16:33:27.00000056=CLIENT16=18911=CLIENT1MSFT114=67517=MSFT_E_00000120=031=18932=67537=MSFT_O_00000138=67539=054=155=MSFT150=0151=010=111 for FIX.4.2:CLIENT1->EXCHANGE.
2020-05-23 18:33:27.082713 [INFO ] (process ) Order placed successfully.
2020-05-23 18:33:27.082950 [INFO ] (process ) Order: 17=MSFT_E_000001, 11=CLIENT1MSFT1 55=MSFT 32=675@31=189 54=1
Price published to market data client.
.. code-block:: bash
2020-05-23 18:33:27.560618 [INFO ] (fromApp ) Got message 8=FIX.4.29=9735=W34=449=MARKET52=20200523-16:33:27.00000056=MDCLIENT155=MSFT268=1269=0270=189271=67510=192 for FIX.4.2:MDCLIENT1->MARKET.
Symbol: MSFT
| bid_prc, bid_qty | ask_prc, ask_qty |
| (189.0, 675.0) | ('Empty', 'Empty') |
Trades done will be published to the clients and to the market data subscribers.
All tests should pass.
.. code-block:: bash
$ py.test tests -v