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Preparing RLE for MOTS20 evaluation
May I know how should I prepare the RLE required for MOTS20 evaluation?
The sample RLE is: WSV:2d;1O10000O10000O1O100O100O1O100O1000000000000000O100O102N5K00O1O1N2O110OO2O001O1NTga3 But, my RLE is: b'_d\c0h2on02N2K5N2N2N2N2N2N8H2N2Hg0_O2N2Bd0H2N2K8K2N2K>F1O1OU1jN2N2N8I1O1O4L1O1O4L0000001O1O1O000000O1O1O2N2N2N1TOl0O1O1I7O1O8E5N2Na0gNj0N2N5H5N2N2N2N2N5H5N2N8\O>N2N8^N\1N2N5K2N2N>VO>N2NQkUY1'
I had tried to evaluate it, but it failed. The attached file is my output from the MOTS20-09.
Appreciate alot if anyone could help. Thank you very much. MOTS20-09.txt